Peer pressure

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After about forty-five minutes I wake up. Cormac still has his arm around me and is still sleeping... "hey" I hear him say in a morning voice that made a shiver go down my spine. "Hey." I say back. Neither of us moved we just stayed there. "Mer?" He whispers. "Yeah?" I whisper back. "D- do- did you sleep good?" He asks still whispering. "Yes, did you?" I ask back. "How could I sleep bad? You were in my arms." He replies I smile. "You're cute Cor."  I respond. "Not as cute as you." He says. I rub my thumb on his hand. "I need to go home." I say. "No, stay here." He says disappointed. "I can't I have to go see my kids." I say back tuning so I was facing him. We are close, it feels like we should kiss. "But I want to hold you and cuddle still." He says moving his hand to brush hair out of my face. "I know, I want to stay too, but I need to go." I say closing my eyes. His hand moves down to my cheek and he rubs his thumb over my cheek. "Mer" he whispers, I open my eyes and smile "hm." I say "there's this thing... this thing I've been wanting to do..." he says "oh yeah?" I ask, looking at his lips and then his eyes. "Yeah, I'm going to do this thing and I don't want you to freak out, okay?" He asks right as my pager goes off. I moan in a bad way. "I don't want to go." I say. "I know. Go save a life, text me later." He replies. I get up and walk to the door before I open it I look back at cormac. "Thank you." I say. "Mhm." He says back.

I'm so pissed Meredith had to leave. I really wanted to do this thing and was pissed I couldn't. It was the perfect time, she was right there we were close and I could tell we both felt it. I get up get my stuff and drive home, I made the boys dinner and then we went to bed. It was 9:34 when my phone went off.

Doctor Grey:


Doctor Grey:
What are you doing?

Laying in bed. What are you doing?

Same. Did you save a life?

As Meredith and I text I notice I am smiling, and that Meredith's name in my phone was Doctor grey so I change it.

Yes. 30 year old, appendectomy.

You did a lot of those today.

Hahaha yeah I did.

I miss you mer.

Cor i saw you 2 hours ago...

Okay? 2 hours to long.

I miss you too. What was that thing you were gonna do?

I guess you'll have to wait and see.

Mhm... I have work early tomorrow.

Me too, I have to be there at 4:30

Me too... we should probably get some sleep.

Probably but I can't.


Because I don't have anyone to cuddle.

Cormac Hayes you could sleep without me 3 days ago perfectly fine...

Hmm see how big of an effect a person can have on someone?

Cor go to sleep I'll see you tomorrow. Ily

"Good morning Karen, can I have my charts for today please?" I ask the nurse at the nurses station. "Sure thing Doctor grey." She responds and gives me the charts. "Thank you Karen, have a good day." I say as I walk into an empty on call room. After I do some charting I walk to the attendings lounge. I start to make coffee when I feel someone walk up behind. I feel hands grab my hips moving towards my stomach and then they pull me back. "Good morning." Cormac whispers into my ear. I want to moan a little but I don't instead "Good morning." I say. The door opens but cormac doesn't let go of me. "Oh my god!" Jo says. I chuckle. "Morning jo." Cormac says. "Morning." She replies. I turn around to look at cormac with him still holding me. "What do you have this morning?" I ask he smiles "nothing." He replies. "Okay." I say. He lets go of me so I can finish making my coffee. "Okay first of all, that should have been a kiss, and second okay? Okay? Really you're just going to say okay?" Jo says. "No it shouldn't have and yes just okay." I reply "uh no, jo is right, what the hell was that? Okay?" Cormac cuts in. I look over my shoulder at him and smile "just okay." I say. Cormac looks at me "Cor," I raise and eyebrow "okay." I repeat myself. Cormac looks at me making an 'ohh' face. "Okay." He repeats. "Jesus Christ you two are driving each other insane." Jo says rolling her eyes and throwing her hands in the air. "Can you stop telling me how I feel?" Cormac says "no because I'm right, you know it, I know it, and Meredith knows it. I don't know why you can't just fuck each other already." My jaw drops, as Cormac just looks at me in shock. "Doctor Wilson." I say she turns and looks at me and Doctor Bailey walks in "you are officially suspended from surgery." I say and walk out of the room. "Grey!" Bailey calls so I turn around. "Want to explain yourself?" Bailey ask. "Doctor Bailey I am positive you don't want details. I own this hospital and I'm the head of general surgery, Doctor Wilson is suspend from surgery, she may not cut. She can run lab, chart, observe but if I figure out she even touched a scalpel she will permanently be suspended." I say then I walk out. "Doctor Grey I-I-I'm sorry I didn't-" jo starts saying as she catches up to me. "I don't want to hear it Doctor Wilson. Your actions have consequences, learn from this." I say, Doctor Wilson walks away frustrated. I walk into an on call room to cool down. After a few minutes cormac walks in. He doesn't say anything he just walks in and closes the door and just stands there. He's looking at me so I look up. I stand up and walk closer to him our eyes lock, he takes a step closer to me and places his hand on my cheek. "aveva ragione, mi stai facendo impazzire. il tuo sorriso, i tuoi occhi, la tua risata, le tue labbra, tu." Cormac whispers.

I didn't have time to proofread so I apologize for typos. You guys asked for more so I gave you more. What do we think? Did Meredith go too far?

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