No Cells Left

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Finn just stops talking and looks me in the eye. He reaches his hand out and places it on my face quickly pulling me close to him and kissing me. I pull back and look to my right. "Shit." I say. Finn just looks at me "what the fuck?" I say looking at him obviously mad. "I needed to see if there was still something there." He replies.

Cormac's POV:
I walk over to the fruit and see Meredith kissing another guy, my heart drops. Why would she do that? It makes no sense. I'm just standing there watching her and then she pulls away from him looking at me. A tear rolls down my face as I turn to walk away. Meredith yells at the man and then runs after me. I turn around keeping my voice down and staying respectful I say "just finish so I can drive you home." And walk away. I was crying I really like Meredith, it hurt to see her kiss and love on someone else. I didn't finish shopping I didn't pay for what I had, I left my cart in the middle of an aisle and walked outside to my car. I sat in the car for thirty minutes crying waiting for Meredith.

*in Cormac's voice*
When we're hurt our bodies send signals to form blood clots directly over the injury to help stop any bleeding... It doesn't work like that with love... there are no cells to stop the hurt, to stop the bleeding... there's pain, there's break, there's tear and there's no help because the one thing, the one person, the only person that would be able to help was the one who hurt... the one who caused you the pain... what do you do? Where do you go? And how do you heal?

Meredith puts her groceries in the trunk and gets in the car. I don't speak to her. I don't look at her. I didn't open the door for her. It is killing me. Im a gentleman, a nice guy and ignoring the woman I love? It kills me, but so did seeing her kiss that man. "Cormac... please just let me explain." She says looking at me. I don't answer. I want to have my hand in her leg I want to make her smile I want to be making memories but she hurt me. "That was Finn..." Meredith starts to say "Doctor Grey... I'm all set." I say as my voice cracks. "No please cor! Don't do this to me, I-I-I-I can loose you. Babe." Meredith says through years. I don't respond but instead cry more. "Babe please." Meredith is crying even harder now and all I want to do is hug her, tell her everything is okay and make her feel safe but I can't. Meredith puts her hand on my thigh as she cries. "Please Cormac. Please forgive me." She says as I pull into her driveway. I don't say anything. The feeling of her hand on my leg sends a shiver down my spine I just want to hold her in my arms and show her she is going to be okay but I can't she hurt me. "Doctor Grey... Please get out of my car." I say not looking at her. "Stop calling me that. Cormac. Stop." She says crying and placing her hand in my face. I don't move. "I'm not just Doctor grey. Cormac you slept with me. You kissed me. I stayed at your house. I was in your bed. I'm mer. Please just let me talk to you." Meredith pleads. I sigh and look at her. I place my forehead on hers. "I can't." I say softly. "Babe please. Just talk to me." She says. I cry harder. "Mer..." I say lifting my head off hers. I'm looking at her as she wipes tears off my face. "Just listen you don't have to talk." She protest. I grab her hand bringing it to my lips and kissing it softly. I get out of the car and walk over to her door. I open it right say she slams the back of her head on the seat. She looks at me crying and gets out. She stands in front of me. "P-p-p-p-please." She says stuttering trying to catch her breath. I wipe her face. "Stop crying, the kids are almost home." I say and then I close the door and walk to the trunk. I open it and grab bags out bringing them inside to the kitchen still crying. Meredith is standing where I left her. I grab the rest of the bags bring the inside and set the down. I walk back outside to Meredith and wipe her face with my thumb one more time. "We need to get your car." I say not making eye contact with her. She grabs my hips. "Please Cor I really like you and I can't let you walk out of my life without a fight." She begs. I'm looking down. I place my hands on her soft hands that I love to hold. I moved her hands and walk closer to her door opening it. "Do you want a ride to get your car?" I ask. She nods crying again. The car ride was silent at first. Meredith turns to me. "I'm sorry. I am. It's not what you think." I start to talk when she says "no. Let me finish because now you can't go anywhere and I-I just need to say it." She pauses. "Cormac I'm sorry. I never want to hurt you and seeing you hurt is killing me literally I think I have broken heart syndrome. That's Finn. I dated him before derek. Finn was our vet. I don't have feelings for him I didn't even really have feelings for him while we were dating. He jumped me. He kissed me I didn't kiss him back. I promise... I swear on Zola's life. Please forgive me. I like you a lot and I don't want to be without you." I was crying again. "Meredith I-I-"

*in Cormac's voice*
I don't know where you go... but I tend to leave... vacation here I come.

Plot twist!!! How are we feeling??

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