Wildest Dreams | really long

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A/N: This imagine was actually the beginning of a story I wanted to write but I didn't know how to keep writing the story so I just made it into a long imagine

I woke up, gasping for air and a big smile plastered across my face.

It soon fades away however, as I remember that I am once again dreaming. About him again. Matthew Espinosa.

As much as he makes me happy that he existed in my world, he also makes me sad because I don't exist in his.

When I first fell in love with the famous viner, I spent hours memorizing every little thing about him, a boy who will never know my name. Pushing aside my fantasy world as usual, I get out of bed and slowly walk over to my window. I pull open the long white curtains, and look at the beautiful morning view of Los Angeles. My home.

I've been living here my whole life. I have my friend Alyssa, who I became much closer with after the tragic loss of my best friend Brianna, 3 years ago. I close my eyes thinking of her. The many memories I had with her. I've tried desperately to move on, but I just need someone who can make me smile like her. She always knew how to cheer me up. When I found out about Matt, he Definetly brightened my day, but he's still not there with me.

I throw on my clothes, a white crop top, black ripped shorts, and my turquoise vans.I walk down to the kitchen, seeing my father making breakfast.

My mother passed away when I was only 7 and since then I've been living with my crazy father. I guess you could say I've had a pretty rough childhood and I've lost too many people.

My father doesn't care much about me, and he spends most of his nights drunk and not at home. I've learnt to take care of myself. I was pretty surprised to see a big suitcase standing at the door today. He usually never goes away for longer than 3 nights.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask, not looking at him.

"I'm leaving for 2 weeks on a business trip!" He snaps out of nowhere.

"So I'm staying here alone?" I snap back, sort of glad that he would be gone.

"Do not use that tone with me! Get out of here and go to school now!" He yells at me, raising his hand already.

I grab my ray bans, purse and penny board and run out the door as fast as I can before he can hit me.

I ride along the streets of LA, trying to forget my horrible father and enjoying the warm May breeze.

I arrive at school and slowly walk through the big doors. Just one more year I tell myself, just like every morning.

I get lots of hellos and smiles as I walk in and over to my locker.

I don't like to admit it, but I was pretty popular at school. If Only I wasn't almost failing all my classes, then I would maybe even enjoy school. No one knows how I really feel on the inside or about my crazy father except Alyssa. I guess you could say that I was pretty good at faking a smile.

The reason I hated school so much though, is because I'm failing almost all my classes and I have no idea what i want to be when I'm older.
I've always wanted to be an actress but that's like 1 in a million chance, even if I live in LA.

I was confused to not find Alyssa at our lockers. She was usually always here before me and she texts me if she's not coming.

I push it off my mind and head to my history class. I take my seat at the back and grab out my phone, quickly texting Alyssa to ask where the heck she is.

"Tessa get off your phone!" My teacher yells at me from the front of the classroom.

I roll my eyes and put my phone back in my purse.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now