Third wheeling

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I awkwardly stand next to my bestfriend as she wraps her arms around her boyfriend, Alex's neck and pulls his face close to hers. I look down at my phone for the 10th time in the last few minutes. I groan as I look up to find my best friend making out with her boyfriend. They've been dating for 10 months and I've been third wheeling since day one. She's my best friend but I've had just about enough of her always talking about her boyfriend or always being with him. I want someone who loves me, who I can cuddle and kiss. But no, I'm single and I always complain about it but when I see a cute guy I'm always to shy or to awkward.

Tonight my best friend asked me to go to her boyfriends football game. I don't know why but I ended up agreeing only to have something to do and not lay in bed all night.

"Good luck babe!" My best friend squeals, peppering kisses all over Alex's face before he walks on to the field. I roll my eyes and glare at her. She wonks at me jokingly and then we walk over to the bleachers that look over the field. I sit down next to her, pulling out my phone and getting ready to be bored out of my mind. Maybe I should've just stayed home and watched Pretty Little Liars all night.

A loud whistle rings through my ear, signalling the start of he game. My eyes scan the players, trying to keep track of them. #81 suddenly catches my attention. I follow along with every move he makes. He's really good actually and before I know it, the game is already ended with a win for our town. I smile and clap, my eyes still glued to the now covered in mud boy. My best friend nudges me to follow her onto the field. I immediately rush up to Alex who looks rather startled by me.

"Who's number 81?" I question him, looking around the field and hoping no one else heard me. Alex chuckles and shakes his head before looking at my best friend.

"She really wants a boyfriend babe" he laughs and gently shoves me. I glare at him and raise my eyebrows.

"Fine." Alex raises his arms ins defence. "His name is Matthew Espinosa, he's 18... And single." Alex says, smirking at me. My eyes light up and I look over at my friend. She is also smirking, signalling for me to go up to Matthew. I nervously chew on my bottom lip and take a deep breath. Ok time to push my shyness down the drain and get a boyfriend so I can stop third wheeling. I take a step forward and begin walking towards Matthew who is waving goodbye to his friends.

"Uh, Matthew?" I nervously ask as I stand behind him. He spins around and looks down at me, towering above me with a sly grin on his face.

"Hey! Do I know you?" He asks curiously, running his hand through his sweaty hair.

"N-no. I'm friends with Alex and I saw you playing today. You're really good." I say, smiling confidently.

"Thanks. Uh- well you're really cute. You should come watch more of our games." Matt says making my cheeks burn and my nerves almost explode. I giggle and bod my head.

"Id love too. Do you think I could have our number so we can talk more?" I nervously ask, my legs feeling like jelly.

"Yea sure!" Matt grins before passing me his phone. I type in my number and my name with a smiley face emoji next to it before handing Matt back his phone.

"Uh I should get going now." I say, remembering the wise words from my best friend who told me to always leave a boy wanting more. Hopefully this will work.

"Oh ok. I'll text you later then." Matt grins, waving goodbye to me before i rush up to my best friend and Alex.

"How'd it go?" Alex asks. I blush and squeal quietly.

"Amazing!" I giggle as my best friend high fives me.

"See girl, gotta be confident." My best friend cheers making me laugh and agree.

Later that night, Matt texted me and we stayed up texting all night. We seemed to immediately have a strong connection and only 2 weeks later we were happily dating.

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