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Dt; @daddyherbinkox

A soft silent fills the room. I sigh and look down at my intertwined fingers which are resting gently in my lap. I turn my head to look at Matt who is still passed out in bed, the thin silky covers spread over his body. His lips are slightly apart as quiet snores escape his mouth every so often. The few rays of moon light shine in through the crack of the curtains, making my tear stains clearly visible. I look down at my hands again, they are covered in scars and bruises.

Matt suddenly stirs in his sleep, sending goosebumps down my back and making me jump at the slightest. I pull my knee up to my chest as I sit at the edge of our bed, memories from last night flooding my mind like usual.

They weren't good thoughts, they were memories of Matt coming home, tired from a day at work and letting stress take over his mind. I couldn't please him in any way as all he would do is snap at me, his eyes had such anger in them. He ended up going to bed on his own, and I snuck under the covers once he fell asleep. This has been a usual routine lately, and I knew Matt has intoxicated me.

"Y/n." Matt's raspy voice says behind me making me spin around. I keep my head down, not daring to look into his eyes.

"Babe." Matt whispers, lifting my chin with his finger. I force myself too look into his hazel eyes. A tear slips from his eyes as he sees my face, broken and hurt.

"I'm sorry." He croaks, his voice laced with sadness. I sniff and bite down on my bottom lip, taking a deep breath. I've been going over it all in my head for the past few hours, knowing it will hurt me more than anything but that it will be the best to do.

"I'm sorry too, Matt." I breath. Matt looks at me, confused.

"For what?" He says, his eyebrows furrowed together. He grabs my hand and holds it, running his thump in circular motions.

"I can't - I can't do this anymore" The words flood out of my mouth, barely audible. I watch as Matt's expression drops, his heart breaking in a matter of seconds.

"Wha- no, please. I'm sor-" I cut him off by suddenly pressing my lips to his, wanting to feel his soft touch one last time. He kisses me back, his lips tasting salty from our tears. I pull away before Matt can react further.

"I love you baby girl, I do. Please give me another chance." He cries. I shake my head and look away from him, trying my best to make this less hard for us.

"I love you to Matt, I always have and I always will. You made flowers grow in me, and although they are beautiful, I can't fucking breath." I whisper, running my hands through Matt's messy hair. He grips onto my other hand.

"Goodbye." I say as I get off the bed and slowly walk over to his bedroom door. I turn around see Matt sit on his bed, his eyes filled with tears and hid mouth a gape. His loss for words make me speak up.

"It's the best for both of us." I mumble before leaving.


This was requested and I hope
you like it💖😭
We're so close to 40k! I can't wait to see where this book will go in 2016!

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