Give me love

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Your P.O.V

With my knees pulled up to my chest and my breathing steady, I stare out over the city as the warm summer air gently blows around me. My top teeth nibble on my bottom lip. I turn my head towards the glass balcony doors behind me, hopping Matt will come through the door. I sigh and then back to facing the city, the sun setting slowly in the distance casting a glow over the city. As I sit here, I wish nothing more than for Matt to be here cuddling with me like we used too. Now a days it's always about his fans and touring. I know he loves his fans and I respect that, but it's almost as if he cares more about them than me. He finished filming his first movie a month ago, and two days after he left for tour. I miss him but I can't bell but feel upset of how little time we spend together. Today is the day he's supposed to come home but no sign of him yet. I huff as the breeze picks up and soon goosebumps form across my body. I shiver as I stand from my seat and walk towards the balcony doors. I slide them open and slide them closed behind me as I step into Matt and I's warm apartment. My stomach growls due to the fact I haven't eaten anything, I thought Matt would be back in time to go out for dinner with me but he isn't.
I strut over to the kitchen and grab a pot from the cupboard, placing it on the stove after filling it with water. I then pull out a bag of spaghetti and some tomato sauce for on top. Once the spaghetti are done and the sauce is heated up, I grab a plate and put a small amount of spaghetti on it. Just as I grab the sauce off the stove, the door open. I gasp, surprised, and put the sauce back on the stover. A grin spreads across my face as Matt's body comes in view. I run up to him before engulfing him in a hug. He lightly hugs me back for a short 7 seconds before gently pushing me away and walking past me, heading towards the stairs.

"I made some spaghetti, there's enough for the both of us." I chirp, ignoring is strange behaviour.

"I already ate." Matt mumbles before continuing his way upstairs. I nod and sit down at the kitchen island, on my own, after putting some sauce on top of my spaghetti. I eat my dinner in silent as I stare at the wall. I feel a ping of sadness as I put away my plate and walk up stairs. Matt can't just act like this after we haven't seen each other for a month, barely texting or calling since he's too "busy". I swing open our bedroom door, seeing Matt laying on our bed starring down at his computer screen. I clear my throat and he looks up.

"What?" He says, no emotion tingling in his voice.

"Why the hell are you acting like this!" I snap, anger springs inside of me all of a sudden. This isnt how I imagined him coming home. Tears well up in my eyes as Matt sits up, pushing his laptop of his lap and running his fingers through his tangled messy hair.

"Gosh y/n, I just want to have some alone time!" Matt snaps at me, his jaw clenches as the tension between us rises fast. I'm not one to usually cry easily but for once I cant help but let the tears fall freely. I step closer to the bed and take a deep breath.

"No Matt, you can't just come home after a month of touring and ignore me like this. Do you even know how much I missed you, how much I hated waking up every morning with you by my side. And then when you finally come home you shut me out. The least you could've done is talked to me for a few minutes before nicely telling me you're going to sleep or something. But no you just push me away. And you know what Matt, that fucking hurts. Do you even still love me?" I shout the last few words, my body shakes uncontrollably and my eyes flicker with sadness and anger. I look up at Matt, blinking away the rest of the tears that are threatening to fall. Matt's face fills with realization and then it seems as if a wave of sadness hits him. He swings his legs of the side of the bed and stands up, slowly waking up to me. My bottom lip quivers and the next thing I know I feel Matt's arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his body. I shut my eyes tightly and with all my emotions I push Matt away. I shake my head and look down at my feet before looking up into Matt's eyes.

"I do baby girl. I do still love you, I always will. I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. I was tired and made a stupid mistake. I've missed you so much. I didn't call or text much because I didn't want to keep reminding myself that my poor baby girl is alone at home and that I can't be with her. I thought that if I distract myself from you, the tour would go by faster. But I let it take over and I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Matt is now crying, his eyes already red and puffy as he barely gets the words out of his mouth. I bite down on my bottom lip and nod my head. I pull Matt's body close to mine again and wrap my arms around his waist.

"That's all I needed to hear. That you still love me." I cry into his chest. I can feel Matt's heavy breathing as he rests his chin on top of my head. After almost 5 minutes of standing there, hugging and finally enjoying each other's presence, we pull apart from the hug.

"Hey do you think I could have some of that spaghetti now?" Matt chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. I grin and nod my head, taking his hand and leading his downstairs. I grab him a plate and fill it with spaghetti and add sauce on top before putting it in the microwave for 2 minutes. As we wait for it to heat up, I quickly wipe away the tear stains on my cheek and smile at Matt.

"Come here." Matt pats his leg and I walk over to where he is sitting on the island stool. I sit on his lap and he plants his lips on mine.

"I'm so happy to be home with you
Y/N." Matt whispers. I smile as the microwave beeps. I swiftly stand up and pull out the plate, passing it to Matt along with a fork. I watch as he starts to eat his food, and I suddenly start craving some more spaghetti too. I grab the end of a piece that Matt has in his mouth, and put it in my mouth like lady and the tramp. Matt raises his eyebrows as he notices what I do and smirks. We both begin eating the piece of spaghetti until we both reach the centre where our lips connect. I giggle into the kiss before pulling away and wiping of the remaining sauce on my mouth. I look at Matt and see that he has sauce on the tip of his nose, so I lean in and lick it off. Matt scrunches up his nose and I can't help but laugh. This is the Matt I know and love.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now