Lost | long imagine

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I sit patiently in the chair. Gripping onto my purse and chewing on my bottom lip nervously.

"Flight 501 to Australia is now boarding." I hear a ladies voice blare throughout the airport. I take a deep breath and stand up with shaky legs.

First thing about me, I am terrified of flying. Never liked it, since I can remember. But of course my parents had to send me off on my own, to spend some time with my aunt in Australia for the summer.

I grasp the handle of my suitcase and roll it behind me as I make my way to boarding. I hand the lady my passport as I arrive at my gate. 

"Y/n, that's a pretty name." She smiles and hands me my passport back.

"Thanks." I mumble, throwing her a small smile and then boarding the plane.

6A. I find my seat and sit down, storing my purse safely under the seat. Curious to see who is sitting beside me, I turn my head slightly and look up. A handsome boy with hazel eyes and blonde hair is sitting right next to me and next to him is another cute boy with incredible blue eyes.

Hey, Im Matt." The blonde boy says and smiles at me. "And this is my friend Nash." He points to the boy next to him.

Hey guys." I smile and wave.

"You look a little nervous over there." Matt chuckles and smiles sweetly.

"Uh yea, I'm not really into the whole flying thing." I laugh nervously and fiddle with my fingers, trying to look anywhere except their eyes.

"Have you ever been to Australia?" I squeak after a few moments of silence.

"Nope first time." Nash says. "What about you?"

"Me too. But my aunt lives down there so I'm visiting her for the summer."

"Nice. Me, Matt and a bunch of our other friends are going there for vacation." Nash motions his hands towards the seats around us, where other cute boys that all look around my age are sitting.

"Ready for take off." A man says through a speaker. I grip onto the arm rests and squeeze my eyes shut. The engines roar up and before I knew it we were up in the air. I let out a small sigh and open my eyes to find the boys starring down at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." They say in unison and laugh. I roll my eyes playfully and plug in my ear phones, hoping for the flight to be over as soon as possible.

"Y/n." I feel a light shaking on my shoulder and someone calling my name. I realize them that I must have fallen asleep. My eyes flutter open and I look up into Matts eyes.

"Uh, what?" I clear my throat and sit up straight, trying to hide my faint blush creeping up my face.

"The captain said to be alarmed for major turbulence. I just thought you'd wanna know." Matt says. "Sorry for waking you." He finishes quickly.

"It's ok. Thanx for telling m-" I get cut off by the whole plane starting to rumble and bounce around. I grab onto Matts hand and hold it tight. He looks down at me in surprise but gives me a reassuring squeeze.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now