Snow Day

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I try to hold back my giggles as I sneak into me and Matt's room, where Matt is still sleeping in bed. I leap onto the bed so that my legs and hand are each in either side of him. His eyes shoot open, and he groans. He stretches his arms out and looks up at me with tired eyes.

"Morning babe." I giggle, brushing my fingers through his wild morning hair. A smile forms on his face and he sits up, resting his head on the head board. He pulls me onto his lap and plants a kiss on my lips.

I smile and continue brushing my fingers though his hair.

"You ready for today?" I squeal slightly, lightly bouncing around in his lap. He smirks and nods.

I have lived in Los Angeles my whole life, and I met Matt when he moved out here from Virginia. This year for Christmas, Matt's family have invited me to come to Virginia with Matt for the holidays. Of course I agreed. But a big bonus is that it actually snows there, and hence me living in LA my whole life, I've never seen real snow. It's been on my bucket list for way too long.

Matt and I finally get out of bed and get ready to head to the airport.

I step out of the airport in Virginia followed by Matt. I frown as I see no white fluffy snow covering the ground.

"Don't worry babe, here in Virginia it can be beautiful and sunny and the next day everything will be covered in snow." Matt reassures me. I smile and nod. We meet up with Matt's family, who I have met several times when they came to LA. Together we drive to their house.
Matt shows me up to his room, putting down our bags. I sit down on his bed and scan my surroundings.

"I like it. It's cozy" I say. Matt slyly smiles at me and sits down beside me.

"Wanna have a Christmas movie night?" Matt asks me, kissing my cheek. I nod excitedly.

"Alright you can pick out movies on Netflix and I'll go get the food." Matt leaps of the bed and runs downstairs. I laugh and make my self comfortable before turning on his tv and going to Netflix.

In a matter of minutes, Matt is back in his room, his arms filled with a variety of foods and drinks. I giggle as he throws everything on his bed. He turns of his lights and gets in bed with me. I snuggle up to him and he wraps his arms around me.

Elf starts playing, one of my favourite Christmas movies.

"I'm glad you're here with me." Matt whispers in my ear as the movie starts. I smile.

"Me too"

I barely remember falling asleep after the 3rd movie, cozy in Matt's arms.

My eyes flutter open. I yawn and sit up, looking around. Matt isn't laying beside me. At that thought, the door bursts open and there's Matt with a sly smirk on his adorable face. I look at him quizzically.

"Put on warm clothes. Quickly." He says. I don't ask why and just go to my suitcase. I put on a warm cute outfit and walk up to Matt.

"Now what?" I ask him. He smirks and spins me around, and puts a blindfold over my eyes, tying it in the back.

"Grab my hand." He whispers in my ear. I do as he says. He starts to lead me out his room and down the stairs. I clench on to his hand, scared to fall.

A cold breeze hits my face as we get downstairs. Matt quickly takes of my blindfold, a huge smile plastered on his face and mine too as I see what's infront of me. I squeal, reaching for my boots that are standing in front of the door before running outside. Everything is white, the fluffy snow crunches beneath my feet as I run into the yard. I laugh as Matt also runs outside. I leap into his arms and he spins us around.

"This is amazing!" I giggle, white fluffy snow falls from the sky, sticking to my clothes and hair before melting. Matt puts me down, but I slip and fall into the snow. Matt is standing above me, laughing his ass off. I frown, and grab a handful of snow, forming it into a ball before chucking it at Matt's face. His expression turns blank as his face is now white. I burst out laughing, rolling around in the snow. But before I can even think about it, Matt is sitting on top of me, shovelling snow in my face.

"Stop." I squeal, trying to wiggle out of his grip but failing. I can barely breath from laughing so hard. He eventually stops and gets up, helping me off the ground.

"Hey you two, want some hot chocolate?" I can hear Matt's mom walking up behind us. I turn around and greet her with a smile.

"Ooo yes please!" I chirp. She hands Matt and I each a cup full of steaming hot chocolate and whip cream on top along with some chocolate sprinkles. 
She leaves again going back into the house.

"Mmm" I moan as I take a sip, careful not to burn my tongue. I look up at Matt, a smile cracks on my face. His whole mouth and the tip of his nose is covered in whip cream. I giggle and pull his face to mine.

"Let me get that." I whisper. My lips make contact with his lips as I lick of the whip cream.

"Thanx babe." He hums, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I love winter! Especially when there's snow and you." I smile, looking up at Matt.

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