Bad Day

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I am with my dog, on a walk down the street. Earphones in, and tuning out the world. I walk quite fast, as this is an everyday route for us, and we know it quite well. I glance down at my beagle, Crunch. My silly little brother named him that. I very much disapprove, but the name has stuck.

It was a really nice and sunny day, quite unusual in fact. Its usually raining. But I have the odd sense that something isnt going to be right today. I cant quite put my finger on it, but my guts tells me to be cautious today.

I walk to the end of the road and turn back. In the middle of the road i see a couple. I keep walking nonchalantly. When I get closer, I notice a car turn into the road. I think nothing of it. I say hi to the couple. They quickly introduce themselves as Matthew and Melissa. Something internal grabs me at the sight of Matthew. I loose all sense of location and being. He stops and stares at me too. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as a small smile forms on his face. He seems so familiar, like I've met him years ago.

The only thing that snaps me out of my haze is Melissa shouting "MATT MOVE"  i glance to my right, remembering the oncoming car. I shout too, but Matt continues to stare at me.

"Y/N." He whispers. I look at him questionably, how does he know my name.

The last thing I hear and see is the loud blatant sound of the car horn and the image of Matt getting hit head on.

I stare in shock at Melissa. She has her jaw on the ground, tears in her eyes. The car keeps on going. I run up to Matt and look at him. His head is smashed up and clearly no longer alive. I go down on my knees and cry.

Why coulnt the car move over? Why didnt it stop?

I knew something bad was going to happen today. But how come he knew my name, and why does he seem so familiar?


So basically when they saw each other it was love at first sight hehe

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now