What now?

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This is the 5th time Matt hasn't answered his phone!

I groan in frustration. Doesn't he care about me anymore?! It's been happening a lot lately.

I decide to drive to carters house, since Matt is almost always there.

I can already hear loud music blasting from the house as I pull up in the parking lot.

Here we go again! I walk in the house, not bothering to knock since no one would hear it anyways.

I am shocked to see a very drunk matt, receiving a lap dance from, what looks to be Ashley, the school slut.

And let me tell you, he certainly looked like he was enjoying him.

"WHAT THE HELL MATT!" I scream out.

"Oh hey babe, what's up?" He says slightly nervous looking.

He gets up, pushing ashley off him. He stumbles towards me.

The anger is flaring in my eyes, but I just grab him and drag him back to the car.

"I can't believe you Matt! This Is the third time this week that you got drunk and ignored my phone calls!" I yell.

"I'm sorry babe. Please forgive me" he says with a puppy dog face, as he lays his hand on my upper thigh.

"Not this time Matt. I can't do it anymore. And as hard as it is to say because you were always the key to my happiness." I say, my eyes turning red.

It was true. Without Matt, I would've never been happy. But now everything's changed in our relationship.

"I don't make you happy anymore?" Matt asks sadly, the alcohol fading away from his mind.

I shake my head, no.

I drop him off at his house. My heart shattered as I looked up into his brown eyes one more time. As hard as it was too turn around and leave, I did.

I can't do it anymore.

"I love you Oriana!" He yells after me.

I freeze and turn around. His eyes are red and tears are falling down his cheeks.

"I love you too. I hope we can meet again one day." I say, tears flooding my eyes.

I turn around and drive back home.

I go up to my bathroom and look in the mirror.

Matt was my key to happiness. Without Matt, I can't be happy anymore.

I slowly take out my razors. They're covered in dust.

I take one last look in their mirror, before ripping the razors across my wrist.

>>matts pov<<

I stand in my driveway for at least 10 minutes, shocked that the girl of my dreams had just left me because I was such an idiot.

I couldn't just let her slip through my fingers. I had no car, so instead I ran all the way to her house.

I run in the house as quickly as I can, calling her name several times. No answer.

I slowly make my way up the familiar stairs, and to her room.

I couldn't find her. I see her bathroom door open a bit.

I slowly open the door, not prepared to see Oriana, on the floor and a pool of blood growing around her.

I run up to her and hold her in my arms.

"Oriana wake up! I'm sorry! Wake up. PLease don't leave me. ORIANA!" I scream out.

It was too late. I lost the love of my life all because I'm such an idiot! I could never forgive myself.

It was only several horrible days later, that me and her were reunited again.

Wow, sorry for all the sad imagines! U should request some happy ones😊

This one was for @anajimenez13
Hope u liked it. Sorry it sux aha I'm trying to improve! Thanx for the request though! Ily😘

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now