Best of both worlds

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^this is the song they sing at the end of the imagine
For @sweaterxxxweather

I've been singing my whole life, since I was 2 and got my first plastic microphone. But I've also always been quite shy, so succeeding my dream of becoming a singer was that much harder. It wasn't until I one day was going through my grandparents attic and found a box with Halloween costumes and a bunch of cool wigs inside of it. I pulled out a wig that I specifically wanted. It was a long brown haired wig that would cover my blonde hair perfectly. I decided to put it on and immediately it seemed to change the way I looked a bit, just the colour and the length. Since it was a boring and rainy Saturday afternoon, I decided to spend my time messing around with makeup to try and change my facial feature to look even more different and then later try to prank my grandparents with my new look.

After finishing my look, I twirl around infront of the mirror, admiring my new appearance. My thoughts go to music as usual so I grab my phone and press shuffle. Me, myself and I comes on, one of my favourite songs I start singing along to the chorus. When I sing my voice sound quite different to my regular voice so now I barely seem like the same person. An idea pops into my head.

What if I disguise myself when I sing in front of people but no one will know it's actually me under the disguise. Maybe then I won't be as shy.

Well that's where it all started 3 years ago and now to this day I'm still singing except infront of thousands of fans. That's right, I made it. However my true identity is still hidden under a more realistic wig than the one I found in my grandparents attic. Some how none of my fans have discovered my true identity and the only people who know the real me under the wig and makeup, are my grandparents and my boyfriend, Matt. I met Matt only a few months after I found the wig and we've been dating for the past two and a half years. It wasn't to big of a shock when Matt found out about my secret disguise since I wasn't very popular back then, but now I'm actually ripping through the top music charts and Matt is always by my side.

"It's been three years since I first put on this wig" I say to Matt as I twirl my brown wig hair around my finger. Matt pulls me onto his lap and kisses my cheek.

"I think it's time to reveal my true identity. I'm ready." I whisper, leaning my head on Matt's chest.

"You're fans will support you no matter what. You've come so far and I'm so proud of you." Matt says, gently taking his fingers and pulling off my wig, revealing my blonde hair.

"I wanna reveal it to the other boys first." I say to Matt. He nods and pulls out his phone. "I'll tell them to come over later tonight" he chirps. I grin and bury my face in his chest as he rubs small circles on my lower back with his free hand while his other hand is texting the boys on his phone.

"Ok they said they be here in a bit" Matt whispers against my neck as he starts peppering kisses around my collarbone. I push his face closer to mine and bring his lips to mine, connecting them for a heated kiss filled with love and lust. Matt moans into the kiss as I tug at his hair.

Matt and I quickly collect our clothes that are scattered around us, putting them on again just as there is a knock on the door. I glance at Matt and rush up to my room to put my wig and makeup on. I finish in a hurry and rush back downstairs where the boys are sitting on the couch.

"where's Macy?" I hear Gilisnky ask Matt.

"Uh-" I cut Matt off my walking into the living room. The boys jaws drop and they leap to their feet.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now