Life in LA

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"Should we walk home or should we take a bus?" I ask my friend, Ali, as she finishes up eating her chipotle. She looks up at me blankly, thinking momentarily.

"Let's walk, maybe we'll run into someone" Ali days before getting up and throwing away her napkin and her empty drink. I nod and leap to my feet. We exit chipotle, the warm Los Angeles breeze hitting our tanned faces as we walk on to the side walk.

"Have you picked out your outfit for the kids choice awards?" I ask Ali as we walk down the walk of fame. She excitedly nods her head and let's out a small squeal.

"I can't believe we're actually going to the KCA's!" She says in disbelief. I laugh and nod my head. I can't put into words on how amazing this year has been and now we won tickets to go to the KCA's plus after years of saving up, we're going to Coachella in a few months.

A very familiar loud laugh suddenly catches our attention. Ali and I both look at each other with a big grin on our faces before looking up and forward to where we can see three boys walking in our direction. Not just any boys.

"Thank god we didn't take the bus!" I giggle as I watch Matthew Espinosa walk towards us.

"Matt!" I yell, waving at him as me and Ali jog up to him.

"Hey y/n!" Matt chirps as I engulf him in a hug. I have met Matt a lot of times since I live in LA. I always run into him in the streets or at restaurants. I'm so great full since he is my favourite person in the world.

"Are you going to the kids choice awards?" I ask him as I pull away from the hug. Matt nods and smirks at me.

"Yep. Are you gonna be there?" He asks, wrapping an arm around my waist as we start walking down the street in the direction we came from.

"Yea! Me and Ali over there actually won tickets." I say happily, my stomach feeling as if a billion butterflies are flying around.

"You should dm me a pic of what you're wearing" Matt smirks and squeezes my waist lightly.

"Will do!" I blush and look down at the ground as we continue walking. This is the first time Matt has ever sort of flirted with me.

We stop walking to wait for Ali and Matt's friends to catch up.

"I've met you so many times y/n, that I think I can trust you with my number." Matt says, reaching to grab my phone. I feel a trail of goosebumps race up my back.

"You can definitely trust me." I smile and unlock my phone for Matt. He types in his number and hands me my phone back.

"I have to get home now sadly. Can we take a pic before?" I ask Matt who is already looking at me. Matt smiles brightly and opens up the camera on my phone. He leans down and kisses my cheek, snapping the pic.

"Thanks!" I giggle and hug him goodbye.

"I love you!" Matt whispers in my ear.

"I love you too Matt!" I chirp before waving goodbye and turning the opposite way with Ali.


Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now