Mornings with Matt

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My alarm clock buzzes and reads 6:30 in bright bold red numbers. I groan and rollover. I smile at the sight of Matt lying next to me.
"Good morning beautiful"
I blush and giggle. I throw off the covers of the bed and get up. I walk to the other side of the bed and lean over Matt and eye his lips. He catches on and exclaims sarcastically
"Eww morning breath!"
I smile and kiss him anyways.
"Good morning." I finally reply.
Matt smirks and gets up as well. Im already halfway down the stairs into the kitchen by the time Matt catches up with me. He tries to hug me from behind, but I end up tripping and almost falling to my death. Or at least that's how I put it. Matt says I was scared and jumped. Apparently I screamed a little too.

Yeah right.

I sit down at the small brown wooden table with my bowl of Shreddies. Matt sits too, but he has his back to me. He has paper and scissors in his hands. I try to see what he is doing, but he tries to hide it from me. But in a very childish tone. You know?

In a couple minutes I have finished my cereal. I get up, now kind of upset because Matt has stopped talking to me for no apparent reason. When I put my weight on both feet and push the chair with the back of my knees, Matt jumps up and holds his hands about a foot apart. I am confused momentarily until I realize that he is holding conjoined paper hearts.

I stifle a laugh and hold back the words "it took you long enough"

But all I do is smile. A false sense of anger.
"When you didnt talk to me and didnt face me, i got kinda sad and scared."
"Aw babe im sorry. I just wanted it to be a sweet joke." He replies apologetically.
"Its okay. Thats pretty passive-agressive though" i say through a laugh.

"Passive aggressive is my middle name." Matt jokes back.

"I love you" I say giggling into a light kiss.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ