Stormy nights

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It was your typical rainy Vancouver day. I was enjoying myself in a large hot bubble bath. When I got out, I wrapped my favourite fluffy towel around myself and put on a pair of slippers. I open the bathroom door to find my boyfriend, Matthew or as I like to call him, Matt.

I got dressed in yoga pants that went just below my knees and a large checked red blouse. Matt comes and wraps his arms around me, moving his arms up the inside of my shirt. I back against the wall, giggling at the feeling of indescribable butterflies that seem to live in my stomach. My heart aches for this boy, and even though we may hug, it seems like I can never get close enough.

Matt puts his deep brown eyes on mine, and stares passionately. I stare back, fluttering my eyelids. I put my head down to avoid him see my obvious blushing. Matt takes his thumb and places it under my jaw and lifts my chin up. I dont hesitate to follow the movement.

Before I know it, he places his lips on mine as I swear I can feel electricity shooting through us both. I kiss back and wrap my hands around his neck. Matt moves his arms up more, to the small of my back. He presses signaling for me to come closer. Without moving my feet, I lean in so our chests our touching. We break apart, lips just millimeters apart. Matt whispers "i love you baby girl" into my face, barely audible. I smile and continue to kiss him.

It goes on like this for a fair bit longer. We soon decide to save a bit for later, and go watch a movie now. I select a horror movie. The Conjuring. I picked this for certain reasons. Im not really scared of movies, I just want to pretend I am so I have an excuse to cuddle Matt extra tight. My plan works with no avail and it makes me really warm inside to know he cares.

I knew he was the right one for me.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora