Trick or treat?

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"Are you sure we should be going to this party?" I question my bestfriend and she digs through my closet, searching for our Halloween costumes.

"Positive! It'll be fun. Don't worry, Matt will be with you." She calms me, throwing a tight white mini dress at me. I look at her quizzically before realizing what she's doing as she pulls out a tight red mini dress for herself.

"The devil and the angel." She smirks. I roll my eyes and giggling, a tad of excitement flooding through my body.
I strip down into my underwear and slip on the dress, admiring the way it perfectly sits on my skin.

"Don't forget about these." My friend laughs as she throws a pair of white fluffy angel wings at my face. I scoff as I pull a feather from my hair. I match my angel costume with a glittery white heals and matching glittery makeup. My friend quickly curls my luscious long blonde hair and then it's time to head out.

I laugh as I see Matt leaning against his jeep, wearing a police officer costume with his shirt unbuttoned, showing off his abs.

"Damn babe, I thought I looked sexy." He laughs, his voice sounding deep and raspy. I smirk and wrap my arms around his waist, kissing his cheek.

"Maybe we should just stay at home." I whisper, licking my lips and staring into his lusty eyes.

"No way, we're going to this party!" My friend yells, pulling me off of Matt and shoving me into the jeep.

"Alright but remember, don't leave my side." Matt says to me sternly, squeezing my thigh. We step out of the jeep, my heels clicking against the pavement as we walk into the spooky house, filled with drunk dressed up teens. I keep my body close to Matt's as my friend immediately leaves my side, going off with some people.

My eyes scan the crowd, pausing on several spooky outfits.

"Here babe." Matt hums, handing me a red solo cup filled with a strong tasting liquid. I shiver as the liquid makes contact with my throat, burning slightly. I look at Matt as he starts stumbling around, drink after drink.
It doesn't take long for me to also get buzzed, my mind blurring out everything around me as I stumble onto the dance floor. The lights flicker and fake screams vibrate through my head. I gasp as Matt's cool hands slide up and down my body, making me feel warm inside. I bite my lip, facing Matt. I slide my arms around his neck, pulling his face close to mine as my hips start to sway from side to side.

"I want chocolate." Matt suddenly moans making me burst out laughing, a little to hard from the alcohol. I wink and lead him outside, the cool October air blowing through my blonde curls. I slip out of my heels, carrying them in my left hand while holding Matt's hand in my right.

We stumble down the sidewalk, passing several houses before walking up to a decorated little house. I giggle and wink once again at Matt, knowing in the door.

"Trick or treat." Matt and I slur as an elderly lady answers the door. She smiles, not recognizing how drunk we far. She hand us both a chocolate bar and waving goodbye. I smile, Matt hugging me from behind.

"Yay lets go to the next house." He chirps.

I nod, almost tripping over my feet. This time Matt knocks on the door. In a matter of seconds, a man looking to be in his 40s, swings open the door. His smile fades quickly as he sees our faces and costumes.

"Aye trick or treat!" Matt hums, holding out his hands. The man scoffs, raising hair eyebrows before slamming the door in our faces. I roll my eyes, still satisfied with out one chocolate bar.

"Alright well I guess we should just go to your place, spend our Halloween maybe with some Netflix and chill." Matt says slyly, his typical smirk plastered on his slightly sober face.

"Sounds goood!" I squeak, jumping on Matt's back and burying my face in his neck.

This sucks ass but...
Happy Halloween🎃

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now