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Good songs to listen too👇
- a drop in the ocean by ron pope
- down by Jason walker
- breathe me by Sia

"Y/N get out of here!" Matt yells at me from the other side of the door.

I try desperately to break open the door, as the flames that are taking over the house, are getting bigger around me.

Matt is trapped in the bedroom and the door is jammed.

I can hear his desperate coughing.

My lungs are burning but I won't leave him.

"I'm not leaving you Matt!" I yell, the tears burning my eyes.

I take a deep breath and then with all my power kick the door.

The door knob flies off and the door opens.

I run in and see matt laying on the floor.

"Come on Matt, we have to get out of here now!" I yell to him desperately.

He slowly gets up and I help him stager out the door.

We try to dodge the flames and soon I can feel the cool air from outside.

We fall onto the grass. I can hear the sirens in the distance and Matts heavy breathing.

I remember being put into the ambulance before my vision blurs and darkness takes over.

I shoot up in bed, finding myself In a hospital bed.

I panic, realizing this wasn't a dream.

I get out of the bed and run out the door.

I find all the boys sitting outside my door with tears stains running down their cheeks and red puffy eyes.

Nash runs over to me and hugs me.

"Where is Matt?!?" I yell!

"Y/N, he's not going to make it much longer. The doctor said to say our goodbyes when you wake up" nash says to me, fresh tears flooding his eyes.

I fall to the ground and ball my eyes out, Cam Pulls me up and leads me to Matts room.

I need to be strong for Matt.

He sees us walk in and smiles. Even on his death bed he still smiles.

I run up to him and cry into his shoulder.

"Shhh. Your gonna be fine. You'll live your life and move on. It's gonna be fine." He says to me weakly.

"Jacks, continue living out yours dream. I'm so proud of you! Cam and Nash, keep making people smile and don't let Hollywood get to you. I love you all so much" he says weakly.

"Y/N I love you so much." He says, trying his best not to let go.

"I love you too Matt. It's ok to let go. We're gonna be ok" I say through the thick tears streaming down my cheecks.

Matt gives us one last weak smile before his eyes flutter close and his heart monitor beeps.

I scream out! I just lost the love of my life. My best friend. My key to my happiness.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now