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Listen to this Song if u want^

My heart is beating steadily, thumping against my chest. Tear stains cover my cheeks. My red, puffy eyes are shut gently and my mind is in a whole different world.

"You'll get through this. I believe in you." His voice is soft and soothing. He looks deep into my eyes as if he can look right into my heart.

"But I'm broken and hurting. I don't want to keep fighting and liking to myself. Things won't ever get better!" I scream at the boy who has kept me alive to this point. Matthew Espinosa, famous social media star. His eyes are now darker as he steps up to me, his hands reach for mine.

"Matt I can't do this without you. All I want is to be able to see you and hug you everyday but you're thousands of miles away and I'm just a fan!" I cry, my legs feeling mush and jelly.

"No, I'm always with you. In your heart and in your mind. I know things are hard right now but I promise you, things will get better! Please, stay strong for me" Matt whispers to me. I shake my head once again and look down at the ground. Matt lifts up my chin and I find myself once again looking into his hazel brown eyes.

"Stay strong, for me." Matt whispers one last time before his figure goes blurry. I blink rapidly and nod.

"Only for you!" I yell before everything goes black.

My heart is now racing and sweat beads are rolling down my godhead as I gasp and sit up, wiping my eyes. I look up at my bed room ceiling and shut my eyes.

"I'll stay strong. For you, Matt" I whisper, my eyes glancing down at my freshly scarred arms as I take a deep breath and lay my head down on my hard pillow.

*18 years later*

"Mommy?" I look up to find my 4 year old daughter trotting up to me. I smile and reach down to pick her up, walking us to the couch and sitting down.

"Wanna watch TV?" I ask, smiling as her piercing green eyes look at me. She smiles and nods, giggling and wiggling around in my grip. I put her down next to me on the couch and turn on the TV. The news are on and I am about to switch to the kids channel when I feel my heart jump, watching the television screen in shock.

Earlier today, actor Matthew Espinosa was tragically killed in a car crash in Los Angeles. His career had started off big on social media, creating a big fan base which Matthew had considered his family. His fans and family where always by his side so his death must be very hard and tragic for them. We are praying for them and they are in our thoughts.

I quickly turn off the tv and stare blankly at the now black screen. The blood running through my veins feels ice cold and my heart feels as if it has momentarily frozen still.

"Mommy?" I hear my daughters quiet voice as my mind slowly fades back to reality and my body starts shaking gently. Tears start falling down my face and turn to face my daughter. She looks at me, scared before gently wrapping her small arms around my neck.

"What's wrong, mommy?" She mumbles, worry in her tone.

"That boy on who they where talking about on the TV, he's the reason your here today. Without him, I wouldn't be here today and neither would you." I quietly whisper to her. "He saved me" I breath.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I hear a voice come from behind me. I turn to face my husband, Austin, with tears in my eyes.

"I just found out someone very close to my heart passed away." I cry weakly. Austin reaches down and engulfs me in a hug, soothing me.

"I'm so sorry" he whispers. I grip onto him tighter, crying harder.

I still remember the dream I had so many years ago. I remember Matt telling me that he'll always be in my heart even though he was so far away and I was only a girl in the crowd. Today it feels as if a piece of my heart has been ripped out. A piece that saved my life many years ago.

I let go of Austin and walk outside onto the porch steps.

"I'll never forget you, my love." I whisper, quiet enough so only I can hear as I look up at the starry night sky. A shooting star shoots through the sky as a final slips down my cheek.

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