Snowboarding Date

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"Are you nervous?" Matt, my boyfriend asks me, squeezing my leg gently. I look at him with a smile.

"Nah, I'm excited!" I chirp. Matt is taking me snowboarding in Colorado for the weekend. I've never gone snowboarding and I'm pretty excited. Matt is like a pro at snowboarding, he loves it. I study Matt's face as he stays concentrated and keeping his eyes on the icy road that leads to the ski lodge.

We arrive after a good 10 hour drive from LA. It's a beautiful sunny day outside. The sun light makes the snow glitter and sparkle.

Matt and I hop out of his jeep and Matt opens the back to get out our snowboards. I borrowed one of my friends snowboards for the trip. I put on my jacket and snow pants and then patiently wait for Matt to be ready.
We walk up to the bunny hill for me to learn on. I stumble behind Matt, the thick clothing making it hard for me to walk properly. I'm not used to this.

"Alright so first thing, strap on our boards." Matt says and sits down on the snowy ground. I nod and plop down on the ground next to him. I watch as he straps his boots onto the board and then I follow his actions.

I huff as I finish. In one swift motion, Matt is standing up and looking down at me with a sly smirk. I furrow my eyebrows together and try to stand up. I fail and fall on my butt. I look up at Matt, begging him to help me. He continues to stand there smirking. I narrow my eyes at him and try to stand up again. This time, I succeed. I grip onto Matt for support and look up at him with a big grin on my face.

"That was pretty good babe." He says, pecking my lips. I giggle and nod in joy.

"You ready to go down the hill?" Matt asks me as he slowly lets go of my waist. I nod, chewing on my bottom lip. Matt smiles before turning his snowboard in the direction of the slope. He turns his head towards me, sending me a quick wink before taking off. I stand in awe, my mouth gaped open. It looks pretty easy, doesn't seem to hard. My thoughts are immediately taken away as my board starts sliding down the hill. I let out a loud squeal and bend my knees like Matt did. I approach Matt, who is waiting at the bottom of the hill, however he never mentioned how exactly to stop. My eyes go wide as I board straight towards Matt. His sly smile falls of his face as he notices that I can't stop. He leaps out of the way just as I fly past him, going faster and faster.

Ok think think, what do I do to stop. What did Matt do. I keep my knees bend as I move my board to the left in one quick motion and lean back. I stop moving abruptly and fall onto my butt hard. I groan as I lay in the snow.

I lift my head up slightly as Matt comes into view. He steps up to me and sits down in the snow beside me. I huff and look at him. He smirks. He takes his thumb and swipes away snow form under my eye.

"Damn." Matt hums. "That was amazing for your first time, even if you couldn't stop." He chuckles.

I throw my head back and laugh.

"Yea, maybe next time you should tell me how to stop."

"Luckily you knew to bend your knees, that's something most people forget to do." Matt says. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I giggle into his chest.

We spend the rest of the day on the bunny hill. Matt helps me learn to stop and turn. We end the day as the Sun disappears behind the mountains and the stars pop out.

"Let's jump into a big pile of snow!" Matt suggests excitedly. He puts his board down and runs to a big pile of snow. However, even though this is the first time I've seen real snow, I know that it's actually a pile of ice.

"Matt, that's ice." I warn him. He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"Nah, trust me." He declares. I watch as he steps back and runs before jumping into the pile of... Ice. I knew it. He falls onto his butt and slides of the edge. I can't help but laugh as he stands up, rubbing his butt and scrunching up his nose.

Matt's eyes meets mine. He sticks out his bottom lip and pouts.

"Can you kiss it to make it feel better?" He whines, strutting up to me. I shake my head and open my arms for him.

"No babe, but I'll give you a proper kiss." I giggle. I pull his face towards mine and press my lips on his. He smiles into the kiss and pulls me closer by my waist. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip. I part my lips and our tongues immediately start to battle for dominance. I let him win of course before pulling away from him.

"Better?" I smile and he nods his head rapidly.

"Let's go get some hot chocolate then." I hum and grab Matt's hand.

"Best snowboard date I've ever had." I laugh.

Well this sucked ass. Sorry guys I'm trying to make christams related imagines but idk any other ideas.

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