Carnival adventures

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"I'm so excited!" I squeal as I sit down in the passenger seat while Matt turns on the car. Matt giggles and lays his hand on my thigh before we drive off to the carnival that happens only twice a year in our town.

I immediately start to bounce around in my seat as the bright lights that light up the carnival, come in to view.

"Ok first things first, I'm gonna win you one of those huge teddy bears like in those cliche movie scenes!" Matt says as we park the car and make our way to the entrance. I giggle and lace our hands together.

"Good luck babe." I chuckle. Matt pays for he entrance and pulls me over to the closest game stand. A big fluffy stuffed unicorn catches my eyes first.

"Ooh I want that one!" I Whisper into Matt's ear excitingly. He narrows his eyes determinedly, and starts aiming at the 6 pins he has to knock down in order to win. It seems that it looks easier then it is, because after 4 rounds, Matt still hasn't won, but he also doesn't seem to wanna give up.

"Matt it's ok, I don't need to have the unicorn." I chuckle and try to pull Matt away from the game stand.

"No no! I won't give up until you get that unicorn." He argues and runs back up to the game booth.

"10 more balls please!" He tells the worker, keeping his eyes on the pins.
I smirk as I think of something to motivate him. I walk closer up to Matt and snake my arms around his torso.

"I know you can do it babe." I whisper in his ear deductively before placing a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes widen a slight bit and 2 minutes later I find myself holding a huge unicorn, that's almost as big as me.

Satisfied, Matt slings his arm around my shoulder and places a kiss on my cheek.

"It's so fluffy!!" I yell and hug it tightly "thank you babe." I smile up at him.

"Well I'm hungry now, so let's get some ice cream." Matt says. We order two vanilla ice creams with sprinkles and then go sit on a bench.

"Yumm" I moan, as I lick my ice cream.

"That's hot." I hear Matt say quietly. I look up at him, my eyebrows raised. He smiles at me innocently. I giggle as I notice half his face covered in ice cream.

"Come here." I laugh and pull his face to mine. I kiss the ice cream of his face, receiving several weird looks but eh.

"What do you say we end this date with one of those cliche Ferris wheel rides." Matt chirps as we finish the rest of our ice cream. I nod and take Matt's hand again.
We stand in line, waiting to be seated on the Ferris wheel. The lady motions for us to step up. I sit down next to Matt, he pulls me closer to his body, keeping me warm as we start to go up. I keep my eyes focused on Matt, not wanting to look down since I'm terrified of heights. I admire his perfect face structure, his beautiful glistening eyes, his soft plump lips. He smiles as he sees me staring up at him.

"What?" He questions, his voice cracking a bit. I giggle and look down.

"Nothing, you're just so perfect." I hum. He lifts my head up so that I'm staring into eyes again.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?" He whispers, smirking as his lips move closer to mine. I lean in closer, his lips are inches away as I feel his breath.

Just as our lips are about to connect, the Ferris wheel stops at the top with a tug. I pull away and let out a scream, leaping on top of Matt and clinging on to him. Matt just sits there, laughing and wrapping his arms tighter around my waist protectively.

"That could've been the perfect movie scene!" He laughs. I throw him an apologetic look before climbing of his lap and taking my seat again.

"Sorry..." I whisper, followed by a little giggle. I grab his face and finally connect our lips as the ride starts again, ending our perfect date.

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