Chapter 11

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EVER since their little moment outside the Great Hall after the Thalia's incident with Thomas, Thalia couldn't help but glance at the loud Gryffindor every now and then.

She truly had no idea that James was so compassionate. The two just sat there in the hallway for a whole of ten minutes with Thalia's head on his shoulder and his head on her head.

And of course, her best friends noticed the Head Girl staring at a certain Gryffindor during study hall.

"Looks like someone's got a crush!~" Kristina whispered as she nudged the entranced girl.

Thalia snapped out of her trance and turned to her smirking Gryffindor friend. "What did you say?"

"You were staring at Potter." Kristina smirked.

"I was not!" Thalia bluffed.

"Oh please. You've been staring at him all week. I've noticed. I'm a quidditch player for goodness sakes. I kinda have to watch out for bludgers so I can dodge them."

"Well, there is a reason that you don't play seeker. It's because you're obviously not sharp enough."

"Oh, please. I know a love struck girl when I see one."

"She's right you know." Samuel chimed in. "I've noticed too. You can deny all you want that you don't like Potter, but some part of you is interested in him to some extent."

"Quiet!" A student hissed across from them.

"I don't know what you two idiots are talking about," Thalia huffed as she finished up her essay and turned it in before leaving her two smirking friends behind.

She stalked out of the Great Hall back to her dorm room and couldn't help but think about what Kristina and Samuel pointed out.

Had she really been staring at James that much? She really only ever looked in his direction because she was merely curious is all.

She had finally reached her dorm and stepped inside after muttering the password. Just as the portrait was about to close, it halted and a figure stepped inside. Thalia whirled around to find a certain lanky Gryffindor with a concerned look on his face.

"Can I help you?" Thalia asked, cooly.

"I-I-erm-just... wanted to know if you were alright," James said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "I-uh... saw you storming out of the Great Hall and wanted to make sure that we're okay."

"Are you alright?" Thalia said, quirking an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah? Why?"

"James Potter... nervous... stuttering... concerned about other people's well-being." Thalia chuckled. "Who would have thought? James Potter gone soft? Never thought I'd live to see this day."

"Shut it, Scamander." James grumbled.

Thalia paused for a quick moment and smirked. She decided-why not get back for what James did the other day? Might as well have some fun.

Thalia parted her lips slightly and walked up slowly to James who stood there frozen. "Uh... Thals? Are you alright? What are you-"

Thalia put her finger on his lips and shushed him. "Shhh...." she whispered. "Not a word, Potter."

"Who are you to tell me to shut up?" She continued as her stood up on her tippy-toes. She cupped his cheek with her lips just hovering below his. "Looks like I got you to shut up instead."

"W-What are you doing, S-Scamander? Whatever you're doing... I-I don't like it." James said, completely flustered.

"I said not a peep, James," Thalia whispered sternly.

He nodded nervously.

"Next time, I'm going to make you shut up again-but with a whole lot less mercy. I could show you some very incredible things." Thalia finished as she pulled away.

She smirked at the sight of the very flustered James Potter who had his mouth gaped wide open and his eyes widened furiously.

"And for the record, I am alright. I promise. Thanks for being so concerned at my well-being." Thalia smiled before she turned on her heel and stalked into her room, leaving James absolutely baffled.

Did the Thalia Scamander just flirt with

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