Chapter 42

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   "Alright, so this is it guys," Thalia announced as she paced back and forth across the Quidditch Pitch in front of her star team. "Right now we are tied with the Gryffindors for the House Cup. And we better fucking win this because that cocky bastard will be making fun of me for a lifetime if we lose!"

   "Aren't you dating him?" Indiana asked.

"Uhh... well... not really," Thalia replied.

"Don't you shag each other like every night?" Samuel snickered.

"I have the authority to kick you off the team," Thalia threatened.

   "Sorry Captain," Samuel saluted mockingly.

   "Why am I even your friend," Thalia muttered to herself.

   "This is our second last practice before we start to taper for the match. We had better make this count because I want to crush those stupid little lions."

   "Isn't your patronus a lioness, though." Clarissa asked.

   "You know what? I think I'm going to stop referencing the Gryffindors because you guys keep using James against me!"

   "But I never mentioned James—"

   "Doesn't matter! What matters is that we have to win! Clarissa, Hunter, and Sam. You guys are some of the best chasers Hufflepuff has ever seen, so you better steal those Quaffles and not let the Gryffindor keeper block the shot. Yvette and Bellamy. You guys have wicked arm strength, and you had better use those gorilla arms of yours to wack those bludgers all the way to the South Pole. Indiana. You have amazing reaction time. You are not letting a single Quaffle in."

   "So are we gonna win this thing or what?!" Bellamy cheered.

   "Get your asses up in the air and we are gonna go 50 laps around the pitch!" Thalia ordered.

   "I hate my life," Samuel grumbled as he swung one leg over his broomstick before taking off, following the rest of the team.

   "You shouldn't. I'm in it. How could you hate your life when the amazing Thalia Scamander is in it?" Thalia grinned, flying next to Samuel.

   "All the more reason to hate it," Samuel mumbled under his breath.

   "What was that?"

   "I said, 'Why the hell is James Potter possessing you?'" Samuel said, loud this time so that Thalia could hear over the loud blowing wind.

   Thalia rolled her eyes. "He is not possessing me! What are you on about, you lunatic?!"

   "You are spending way too much time with that dude."


"Alright guys, that's a wrap!" Thalia announced as she took a sip of water. "Good practice today. Keep it up! One more until we can taper!"

The rest of the team exchanged their goodbyes before making their way over to the locker rooms to shower and change.

Thalia sighed as she ripped off her arm, shin, and knee guards before making her way to the Quidditch box to put the balls away. As she was locking the Quaffle in, she heard footsteps coming up from behind her and turned around to find James standing above her.

"Hey there, my lil badger," he greeted, grinning.

"What are you doing here?" asked Thalia.

"I watched you practice 'n stuff," James replied, "You look mighty fine in those Quidditch robes by the way, although... they would look better when it is off."

"Wait were you spying on us?!"

"Well I was mostly just watching hot you looked when you flew but—"

"So you were basically spying on us. You know that's cheating right. You can be disqualified for that, and—"

"I wasn't listening in on your tactics!" said James, putting his hands up in the air. "I promise!"

"You're probably lying, and honestly, you are probably going to steal all of our strategies or use them against us!"

"Yeesh! You sound like Kristina's dad. So obsessive over Quidditch," James scoffed, with a roll of his eyes.

Thalia snorted. "Yeah, says you," she laughed.

"To be fair, you guys are good. But can you beat me in flying? I think not," James confidently said.

"Oh really?" Thalia raised a brow. "You think that you can out-fly me?"

"It would be close, but I think I can out-touch you any day," James challenged.

Thalia snorted. "Oh please. You couldn't out-fly me even if you tried. You are basically a snail next to me. Nice try Potter," Thalia said, rolling her eyes.

"Not you using 'Potter' in a negative way. You should stop doing that. It'll be your future last name."

"Why does the female always have to take the dude's last name? Why can't it be the other way around? Scamander is such a better name than Potter anyway."

"Okay we are steering away from the main point here!" said James. "You and me, Thalia... are going to race. Just one lap around the pitch. And guess who is going to win? Me! Why? Because I am the faster flyer. I am the better Quidditch player. And you can take your confident self back to the library 'cause Quidditch isn't going to get you anywhere as long as I am alive."

"Oh you are so on."

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