Chapter 14

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"Uh- Guys! Saeroyi's coming in 15 minutes." I informed.

"Okay. I'll go call Manager and tell him to bring Hitman with him." Namjoon hyung walked away while dialing Manager's number in his phone.

Author's POV...

"Taehyung? Who is this Hitman?" Y/n asked.

"Hitman is our Company's President. He owns the company we work for." Taehyung explained and Y/n nodded. "He will be coming to our dorm today."


"For some reason. You will know when he comes here, yeah?"

"Um- okay. Can I go back to your room? I'm feeling tired." Taehyung nodded.

"Did you finish your breakfast?" Jin asked making the girl turn her head towards and flash a small smile. She nodded.

"The pancakes were amazing. Thank you for the breakfast Seokjin." She thanked and walked away.

"Hyung. She barely had a bite of her pancake." Hoseok pointed at the plate in which Seokjin had served two pancakes with some berries.


"Royi! You came!" Y/n squealed as she ran to her most favourite person in her fucked up life. She felt her heart flutter as she saw the tall, dark haired and pale skin muscular man coming through the door of Bangtan Dorm.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you? Did you eat anything? Are you feeling good? Do you need anything?" Saeroyi questioned as the girl stood in front her.

"No Royi. Thank you. I'm good. I'm just very happy to see you."

"Happy to see me? Wae?" She shrugged and smiled brightly.

"Aww! Come here." The brunette pulled the girl into a warm hug.

"Are you guys done acting you guys met years later?" Yoongi cringed. Jin and other members were looking at them with lovely eyes except for one.

"You two look amazing together." Y/n blushed at Jeongguk's remark. Saeroyi rubbed his nape.

"Let's get serious. Taehyung, when is your manager and Hitman PD coming?" Saeroyi changed the topic. Taehyung snapped out of his thought of something.

"Oh! Namjoon Hyung knows."

"Saeroyi, they are coming anytime now." Namjoon finished and the doorbell rang.

"Annyeonghasehyo PD-nim." Hoseok answered the door and bowed as Bang Sih-Hyuk came in. Everyone greeted and bowed while Y/n was in Taehyung's room with him.

"Taehyung, what if he doesn't agree to help me?" Y/n asked fidgeting on the bed.

"He will..." Taehyung said while doing something in his phone.

"What if he thinks I'm fake?"

"He won't."

"What if he doesn't let me meet you again?"

"Y/n, calm down! He is our PD nim. He will help you and will also let us help you." Taehyung finally held Y/n shoulders and said calmly.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be. Let's go downstairs. I got a text from Yoongi Hyung." She nodded and Taehyung held her hand and lead the way to downstairs. He felt a different feeling when his hand and Y/n's hand made contact. Like an electrifying shock went through his veins.

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