Chapter 18

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"BLOOD!" I slammed the door close and ran to her.

When I entered the room, I saw Y/n on the floor clutching the hem of her white frock. She was groaning in pain or somewhat.

I crouched down beside her laying her silhouette and picked her up on my lap. She groaned, squinting her eyes as tears came out endlessly.

"What happened? Y/n? Sweetheart? Tell me. What happened? Where does it hurt?" I asked hurriedly.

Is something very wrong with her?

"Tae-Taehyung! It hurts! Argh!" She was clutching her stomach.

"Yes, I know sweetheart. But where?" Tears started to blur my vision.

"My st-stomach! Argh!" I realized her blood started to smear on my grey sweatpants and white t-shirt. Her white dress was completely covered with blood by the lower part. I started to panic.

"Jin Hyung! Seokjin Hyung!" I shouted on top of my lungs. I hugged Y/n tightly, being scared that I will lose her. It's been like two weeks since we met, and I love her and I'm scared to let her go this soon...

"Taehyung! It hurts! HELP ME!" Y/n groaned, gripping my t-shirt.

"What happened Tae? Why di- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH Y/N?!" Jin Hyung exclaimed. He quickly ran to us and stroked Y/n's hair away from her face.

"What's wrong with her?!" Jin Hyung asked.

"I don't know. She says that her stomach hurts. And look her clothes her all covered in blood. Do something!" Jin Hyung sighed in relief, placing his hand on his chest.

"Tae, relax. She is fine."

"What?! Y/n is losing so much blood and you're telling me to relax?! Are you insane?!"

"Yes, I am. Relax. She is fine. She's just going through a phase every girl goes."


"Yeah. Relax. I'll get some clean pair of clothes for her. Help her get changed." He got up and walked to the wardrobe to get some clothes for her while I was holding Y/n, dumbfounded. Jin Hyung helped me get her to the bathroom to clean up. All of a sudden, we heard the door creak open revealing Saeroyi with a plactic bag in his grasp.

"Y/n? Look I got your stuff." Y/n looked too weak to say anything. "Oh my lord! Is she okay?" Saeroyi walked up to her where she was standing painfully, gripping the hem of her dress.

"Taehyung and Seokjin, you can leave. Thank you for your help. I'll take it from here." Saeroyi smiled and we left. I felt crying. Seokjin hyung hugged me to calm me down.

"I know you are scared of losing her. Don't worry. You won't lose her. This is completely normal." He rubbed my back as I sobbed in his broad chest. We got out of the room and changed my clothes. I sat with the other boys in the living space but I was still sad.

Y/n's POV...

A few moments ago...

I was good until I felt pain strike my lower stomach and also during dinner, in front of all the boys. I cursed mentally and finally decided to tell my best friend Saeroyi to help me.

I told him that I want to talk in private and we went to my room. My pain started to intensify.

"Y/n, what happened?" Saeroyi asked.

"Saeroyi, I'm having immense pain in my lower stomach." And then I felt something roll down my thighs. I took a glance and panicked. I almost fell on the carpeted floor with a muffled thud. Saeroyi held my waist to keep me stable.

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