Chapter 37

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Looks who's back!
Sorry for the long wait...
Slight trigger warning...

Taehyung didn't really know much about the kid's past and he didn't even wanted to know. The boy on his lap was evidently terrified after he recalled about his past events.

According to him, he was taken into a dark room by some men and was kept their with out food for two to three days. They just provided Moon Bin some water to survive. But this now five year old almost died on the third day, but thank God he was found by the Seoul Police.

Moon Bin was now sound asleep on his father's warm broad chest. Breathing softly as his chest was against his father's chest. Taehyung's soft and calm heartbeat calmed him and made him feel safe, causing his wrap his little limbs around the man's torso and neck.

Taehyung carefully laid the boy on his bed and covered his little body with the duvets. He decided to call Saeroyi and get some information about Moon Bin's kidnapping.

"Hey Royi?"

"Yeah? You okay?"

"Yeah. I just found out that Moon Bin was kidnapped when he was younger. Can you get some information about it?"

"That's tragic, dude. Okay. I'll call you after I get the info, yeah?"

"Don't tell Y/n about this. She'll get tensed and I don't want that."

"Yeah. Okay. Talk to you later."

"Hmm." He hung up. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He sat down beside his sleeping son and slowly caressed his cheek and momentarily stroking his soft deep brown hair. "My precious bubba. I love you so much!" He bent down to kiss his chubby cheek. The sleeping boy smiled softly in his sleep making Appa Taehyung smile fondly at him.

He was about to leave but he felt a tiny hand tugging his index finger. He turned and saw his son with teary eyes. Taehyung's delicate heart broke at the sight.

"What happened, baby?" He asked in his deep voice.

"Appa, no go. Stay wi'f me. Pwease." He murmured quietly and shakily.

"Are you feeling scared, bubba?" He asked scooping up the boy in his arms. Moon Bin nodded and adjusted himself of Taehyung's warm chest.

Taehyung leaned back on the headboard. Moon Bin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and his legs around his dad's waist. Taehyung's securely held the boy in his arms and softly kissed his forehead.

"No wea'be me pwease?" Moon Bin mumbled softly against the older's chest.

"I won't leave you, babyboy. Don't worry. I'll protect you and your Eomma with all my worth and strength. I love you, sweetie." He whispered the end but it was enough audible for his dear song to hear. Moon Bin snuggled more into Taehyung's chest making the brunette chuckled lightly.

"I wuv chu, Appa." The boy mumbled before letting slumber take over his small frame. Taehyung didn't even realise when he fell asleep while gazing at his beautiful Moon like beautiful child until a call woke him up.


"Tae, I got info."

"Oh Royi. Okay, hold for a minute please. Moon Bin fell asleep on me."

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