Chapter 19

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                             Y/n?" I blurted out...


"Do you like Y/n?" I repeated my words.


"Yes or no?"

"Royi I-"

"Yes or no?" I asked firmly.

"Yes! I like her! No! I love her! Got your answer?" He yanked my hand off his shoulder, evidently angry.

"I did. But Taehyung, think before you do. First, she doesn't know anything about your fame and all idol shits you go through. Second, you will have your fame at risk."

"I don't give two fucks about it, Royi. I never did. Ever I since I laid my eyes on her, I had a feeling of helping her. A feel of keeping her safe. A feel- a feel of keeping her to myself. Only me. She suffered a lot! I don't want her to do more. She is too pure. I want to keep her like that. She is innocent. I wanna keep her like that. She is scared. I want to help her to get over with it." He ranted to me while his tears rolled down his rosy cheeks. I smiled softly.

"You grew up, didn't you? You aren't that dumb Taehyung anymore huh?" He slapped my chest softly and then hugged me. I chuckled. "Go to sleep. You still gotta confess."

"She will be mine, so you gotta stop calling her sweetheart and literally stop picking her up like you do." He warned but I found it cute.

"Shut the fuck up! Go to sleep dumbass!" We laughed and parted our ways.

Author's POV...

The boys went to sleep. Taehyung was excitedly nervous about confessing his love towards Y/n. He could barely sleep! But his eyes betrayed him as night moonlight burned down by the morning sunshine.

Birds started to chirp around the beautiful vintage house. Well, now the Bangtan Dorm. The beautiful endless blue sky kissing the limitless green fields as the soft breeze blew around.

Y/n's brown doe eyes flickered opened as the sunshine peeked through her room's pale yellow coloured curtains. She felt her 'period cramps' a bit less than yesterday. She slowly sat up and stretched. Her body got goosebumps when her feet touched the cold hardwood floor.

She walked to the window and opened it swiftly, the soft, cool breeze hits her face and she takes in a deep breath, enjoying the calm and beautiful atmosphere.

On the other hand...

Taehyung groaned as the sunshine of the group poked his sides a little harshly. He squinted his eyes and yawned widely. He didn't want to get up. Especially not now. He wanted to sleep more. But they he already slept enough according to Seokjin.

He sat up and stretched. His hair disheveled. Pointing to different directions. Hoseok laughed at the sight of a messed up Taehyung. The brunette hissed as his feet made contact with cold hardwood floor. He walked to bathroom, a loud groan leaving his sinfully plump lips as he slipped on the wet floor and falling on his bum.

"Yahh! What the hell?! Taehyung! How did you fall?!" Jimin came in running as soon as he heard his dear soulmate shout. He helped the brunette stand up.

"I slipped on the wet floor. Don't worry Chim, cHilE..." Jimin laughed and left the bathroom to tell Hoseok what happened.

"My day haf to star' li'e thish. Oof! My bu'f hur's..." He murmured while brushing his teeth and finished his morning routine. He left his and Jimin's shared room and went to the dining space to join the boys and the love of his life for breakfast.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw Y/n laughing and joking around with the other members.

Her laughs are music to my ears... Is this what love feels like?

"Taehyung? Where are your thoughts?" Namjoon shaked him. He was knocked out of his trance before he realized all the eyes in the room where on him. He blushed furiously and shoved some bread with jam which Jimin spread for him in his mouth.

"Oh my! We are out jam!" Jimin frowned.

"Jimin! You got no jams!" The boys said in unison making Y/n and Saeroyi burst out laughing.

"Yahh! I gave the last of my jam to Taehyung!" He pouted and Y/n went to her giving him a hug.

"It's okay Jimin. You can take mine. I haven't touched it yet." Y/n smiled softly.

"No no! You have it." Jimin retorted.

"Okay. Why don't we share?" She offered. Jimin's eyes disappeared as he flashed the cutest smile to Y/n, making everyone go whipped for them. Y/n cuts the bread piece into half. Well almost half. She gave the bigger piece to Jimin and took the smaller instead.

Taehyung was whipped by now. He felt proud of Y/n as she shared her bread with Jimin, his best friend.

After breakfast, all the boys decided to stay in the living space and hangout while Taehyung and Y/n went walk to the vast backyard. Saeroyi had went out for some work.

Y/n giggled as the warm grass made contact with her bare feet. Taehyung smiled at her, a kind smile which no has ever seen. Y/n was sitting on the grass a bit ahead of Taehyung to touch beautiful roses and tulips in the bushes. Her eyes shining brightly with curiousity and innocence. Taehyung cooed internally.

She touched a rose and jolted her hand off it immediately. Taehyung worriedly crawled to her and saw some blood on her finger. Without thinking, he shoved her finger in his mouth, sucking on the wound softly, to stop it bleed. Y/n stared at the brunette with loving eyes.

He takes care of me so much!

He took out Y/n's finger from his mouth and looked down at Y/n. Love and care evident in his eyes. They didn't even realised how close they were.

Taehyung's slender hands sneaked to Y/n's small waist, pulling her closer in between his legs. A soft, almost inaudible gasp left Y/n's soft, plump lips while her hands crashed on Taehyung's broad chest. Taehyung's eyes were narrowed in a hazy way. They talked.

They talked with no words...

They talked with their eyes...

They talked with an affectionate touch on each other...

Y/n's mind was hazy, her innocent mind didn't function well. Same with Taehyung. Taehyung leaned in, closing his brown beautiful eyes in the process. His plump, angelic lips were puckered in a small pout as Y/n's innocent ones connected. Their lips were moulded like two puzzle pieces finally joining. The surrounding was warm as love filled in the air.

The sounds of birds and the shuffling of tree leaves were muffled as they deepened the kiss. They could only hear the sound of their own breaths and kissing sounds.

Little did the lovers know,

The members were cooing as they watched the couple make love?


Angst coming up in next chapter!

Lemme know if you liked this chapter or not...

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