Chapter 25

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OML! 25 chapters!?!? Skskks-


"Fuck!" I cursed.

"Watch your language young man!" Jin Hyung scolded and again the boys started to laugh at me.

"Argh! I'm going to my room!" The boys laughed again and I left the living space.

Oh how much I missed this place! Our old 7.5 million dollar dorm. My room still smells the same. Smell of my Gucci cologne. I take a deep breath inhaling the scent. I look around and saw my luggage and bags by the corner.

"Let's get you back your rightful places..." I smile and hop to my bags and start taking them in my closet.

After spending  good two hours of folding, hanging and placing, my work in my closet is done. Suddenly my phone went off. I went to check and saw Saeroyi texting me. He told me to call him.

In call with Saeroyi

"Hey! What's up?"

"Dude, is Y/n alone at the hospital?"

"Um- yeah. Why? Is everything okay?"

"Fuck! I knew it!"

"Bro, what happened?"

"Relax. Don't worry... I'll handle whatever happens, yeah?"

"Royi, you're scaring me. Tell me what happened?"

"Y/n's life is in danger again."

"WHAT?! NO!"

"Tae, relax. I'm taking my team with me to the hospital. We'll let you know if something happens."

"But, Y/n's step parents are caught, right? Then how?!"

"Taehyung, they have fucking sources! We still need to catch them. I'll be in the hospital all night. Don't worry, she'll be safe. I promise you that."

"Okay... Keep me updated..."

"Will do. Gotta hang up. Talk to you later."

"Okay. Bye. Take care."

"You too..."

He sounded nervous.

Way too nervous.

He is always confident about stuff like this, but why so nervous now?

I hope they make out safe.

"Tae-Tae? What happened? Who called? Why are you so worried?" Namjoon Hyung came in.

"Hyung, it was Saeroyi. Y/n's life is in danger again."

"What?! Why?"

"Hyung, it's that bitch's sources. I don't know who it is but someone."

"Y/n noona's life is in danger again?!" The maknae came, his expression was saddened. He and Y/n spent a lot of time together playing and laughing around when we were back at the country side dorm.

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