Chapter 39

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So sorry for not updating until now...
Angst warning-

I shouldn't open the door.

I can't let my baby see him.

I can't let him see my baby.

I can't leave my Moon Bin like this.

But, I can't even stay with my Moon Bin.

I stumbled back on my steps and tripped on the floor. A muffled thump echoed in the room for a second. I felt scared about him finding out that I'm inside. Without wasting any time, I ran to the dining space, Moon Bin had worry on his angelic features while I had panic. Tears prickle on the rim of my eyes. But it's not the time to cry...

Not yet...

I took my phone and dialled Jin's number and told him to come immediately. I didn't let him say anything further. I ran to the dining space where Moon Bin was sitting.

"Binnie Darling. Let's play a game of hide and seek." I quickly said, with a forced smile. The door bells are getting frequent as every minute passed by.

"Hide and seek? But, Eomma. Answer the door first. The person outside is waiting." My seven year old son said before heading to the front door. I grabbed his hand, stopping him at his steps from going any further.

"No... Don't. Let's play the game. Please." I almost begged. Moon Bin looked unconvinced but agreed anyway. "Thank you for listening to Eomma, baby. I love you. Now, you go hide and cover your ears tightly. Close your eyes as well. I'll seek." I said, quickly. Moon Bin hesitantly walked away while I pretended to count from one to twenty.

When I saw, Moon Bin disappeared by the corner of the hallway, the doorbell switched to banging on the door. They were getting violent and aggressive by every second.

I took Moon Bin's notebook and pencil and wrote a note before hiding it in one of the kitchen cabinets. I took a sticky note and wrote another note before sticking it on the fridge.

"Moon Y/n! Open the fucking door!" I heard 'him' growl from behind the door. I shakily made my way to the door and unlocked it but it flew open making stumble back and fall on my back with a loud yet muffled thump because of the carpet underneath me.

"Hyun..." I murmur in fear. I crawled to the entrance of our living room.

"What took you so long, babygirl? I was waiting for two fucking years for this." He crouched down to level my face and suddenly gripped my hair into his fist making me hiss in pain. "You know, I don't like being late, right?"

I just stared at his dark and intense eyes, which sent shivers down my spine.

"ANSWER ME!" His bold voice rumbled through my ear drums and chest.

"Y-yes." I whispered, hissing at the stinging pain on the back of my head as Hyun had fisted a lot of my hair.

"Good." He gripped tighter.

"Hy-Hyun. You're hurting m-me..." I managed to say. Hyun's grip on my hair loosened but he yanked my head on the ground, making me hit my head hard on the hardwood floor. My vision was getting blurry along with my body, getting numb.

"Sorry, babygirl." He pouted. "Time to go back home now." He grabbed my chin harshly before slamming his lips against mine. I felt the skin on my lips burst due to the suddenness.

He pulled away and picked my numb body and placed it on his shoulder before making his way outside. On his way, he dropped the vase which was resting by the couch in the living, shattering it into millions of pieces.

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