Chapter 17

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"Coming in a bit!" I shouted. I chuckled huskily at the thought of teasing Y/n more. Her face was so red. She looked cute...

I went downstairs to see the hyungs all ready with their bags and luggage. Y/n was again beside Saeroyi. She looked nervous.

"I'm ready to go." Jimin came down the stairs.

"Let's go guys. It's gonna be a long drive." Saeroyi huffed. One by one we got out of our dorm. Saeroyi got us two black cars with black tinted windows.We placed our luggage and bags at the back of our cars.

The 2Seoks, Jimin and Jungkook  sat in one car while me, Saeroyi, Y/n and Joonie and Yoonie Hyung sat in the other one. The cars started and we left our 7.5 million dollar dorm behind.

The car ride was awkwardly silent. Saeroyi was sitting with Y/n in front of me. Saeroyi had his arm around Y/n's small waist. Y/n's head was resting on his chest. She was snoring softly. I smiled at her beautiful sleeping face. She snuggled into Saeroyi's chest more, exhaling heavily after. Jealousy took over. My jaw was clenching so was my heart.

She kissed me just like that and now she is cuddling with another man who is my childhood friend? What the fuck is this girl doing to my mind?!

"She seems tired." Joonie spoke up.

"She is. She never had a proper sleep before. Nowadays she looks really fresh and cheerful. I'm so happy about it." Saeroyi said as he stroked her hair away from her face carefully.

I want to be at his place... HMPH!

I leaned back on my seat and took a glance outside. We were on some kind of countryside. Green fields kissed the never ending sky at the very end. The sun was almost setting. The sky became a mixture of colours of purple, orange, yellow and slightly blue. The sight was mesmerising. I took out my phone to take a picture of the beautiful scenery.


The car ride was tiring. We stopped for a few times on the way to rehydrate ourselves. We reached the house in the next two hours. It was almost night time by then.

The huge steel gates opened as we came near it. The squeaking sound was present but low because of the windows. I looked out of the window to see some big ass front yard filled with various kinds of bushes and lights. No people, no other houses around in for, probably, miles!

Our cars stopped in front of the drive way of the house. The house was small but not too much. It was looking beautiful in the soft moonlight. We got off. Y/n was sleeping so Saeroyi carried her out of the car which kind of made me mad.

She is my girl...

The boys got off, stretched and groaned.

"Man! My back hurts!" Jin Hyung groaned.

"Hyung, we all can relate. The car ride was tiring." Hoseok hyung stretched.

"Boys, get in. It's getting a lot dark. It's gonna get colder too." We got inside the house. It was warm and was decorated beautifully. The hallway was furnished with hard wood floors and ivory walls. The first room we entered was supposedly the living room.

The walls were ivory coloured and the ceiling had a beautiful chandelier. The room had a lot vases with twigs and flowers. I was awestruck at the sight. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a old woman, smiling at me.

"Annyeonghasehyo Ahjumma..." I greeted while bowing. She smiled again and patted my head.

"So, you are Kim Taehyung?" She asked. I nodded and flashed my famous box smile.

"You must be tired. Come. Let me show your room." She started walking to a corridor type way and I followed. She stopped in front of a certain wooden door and clicked it open, revealing a big ass room with a queen sized bed and other beautiful furnitures. The walls were grey in colour and the bed was neatly done with grey bedsheets and pillows along with white duvets.

"Yahh! Taehyung-ah! Are you my roommate?" My soulmate exclaimed. I honestly didn't notice him being in the room.

"Maybe yeah..." I rubbed my neck. I walked towards the closet to place up my clothes and shoes. After spending an hour in the closet I decided to wash up.

I stripped and got under the shower head. The warm water started to calm my nerves. Suddenly I recalled the previous events when Y/n kissed me. I smiled to myself goofily.


"Boys, you are safe here. Y/n's parents still don'tknow where she is, so till then relax. I've talked with your manager and PD. So, you don't have to worry about anything." Saeroyi said, taking a bite of his food. We are having dinner talking about random stuff.

"Royi? Can I talk with you in private?" Y/n called out. She kept shifting on her seat since we all sat for dinner.

"Yeah? What happened Sweetie?"

Why does he gotta call her that?!

"Come to my room. I'll tell you." They walked out of the dining space and disappeared around the corner. I was tensed.

Is she okay? Does she need anything? Anything? Yahh! ByunTaehyung! Shut the fuck up! What the fuck are you thinking?!

After sometime, Saeroyi was rushing out of the doorway. I called out and he turned to me.

"What is it Tae? Hurry up! I need to go!" He said hurriedly. I grew even more tensed.

"Why? What happened? Is Y/n okay?"

"Yeah. Actually no. She is having a slight pain. So, Im'ma get some painkillers and some stuff for her."

Some stuff?

"Do you need something? Tell me, I'll bring it for you." He asked while wearing his shoes.

"Ah! No. Thanks. Hurry up. Y/n must me in immense pain." He nodded and hurried off.

I grew even more tensed. I went Y/n's room and knocked on the door. I heard muffled 'come in' so I went to see-



What could've happened to Y/n? Will she be okay?

Lemme know your thoughts...

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