Chapter 35 [Girly talks]

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I pushed Mr. Bradford away from me as I heard someone shouting my name. I put of my ice cold hands on my face to neutralize the temperature. My hands were too cold and cheeks were too hot, for my liking.


I looked past him to see Mrs. Forner waving at me. She is the owner of one of a famous silk industry in North America. She has good terms with Indian industries. Great, she just had to come on such a moment!

I forcibly smiled and gulped hard before trotting over to where she was, ignoring the intense look of Mr. Bradford. Remind me to not to call him that anymore.

"Ah, how are you? It's been so long since we last met!" I spoke sweetly while engulfing her in a small hug. She reciprocated the hug and I reclined back after that. I stiffened as I felt a very familiar arm crawl up my hip to waist.

"I'm fine, what about you? I see, you have married.," She exclaimed and looked over to my side where the most beautiful specie stood with his arm on my fucking waist. "Mr. Bradford."

I internally rolled my eyes as I saw him nodding at her without even looking at her properly. This is how he treats guests! I recoiled my fists as I fumed inside on how he was behaving. Well, to be honest, when has he ever behaved otherwise? He is like this all times. Sour and bitter.

I smiled apologetically at Mrs. Forner and removed his hand from my waist, a bit forcefully. He has fucking caged me like a bird in his arms since the beginning of the party. I feel like a fucking person. I didn't even meet anyone in the party. But I'm going to, now.

"Would you please excuse us, honey? I'm very sure you wouldn't want to hear women's gossips." I spoke sweetly, very sweetly in a honey coated voice. Honey, my ass.

"I won't have any problem in accompanying you, my wife." He chuckled and draped his arm over my waist again. I removed myself from his grasp smoothly and moved a little towards Mrs. Forner who was very quiet.

"I'm sure, you wouldn't want to hear about other women's sex life and that too in presence of your wife. Yes, Mr. Br— honey?" I spoke sarcastically as I raised my eyebrow at him. I heard Mrs. Forner laugh while shaking her head at me.

After gaining no response from Mr. Bradford, other than his infamous warning glare, I smirked and chuckled before turning to Mrs. Forner. I winked at her and nodded at her to lead where other ladies were. I huffed as we walked to the bar side.

"Caitlyn! My girl, how are you? You married and didn't even invite us, let alone inform us!" I smiled as I saw a bunch of women sitting on a table in a secluded area.

How would have I told them when I didn't even know about my own marriage?!

"May, I'm good. Thanks to jesus. How are you all?" I laughed as we cheered, drinking champagne.

"Ah, so our Mrs. Bradford, how's your marriage life going on? We can see pretty well that you have got black panther on your fingertips! How did you even manage that?" Lorel, ah Mrs. Forner said as she smirked and leaned back on sofa.

I laughed and brought the little glass to my lips when my eyes collided with his grey orbs. I could recognize those pair of eyes, anywhere. They were fucking perfect and sexy. They were just made to kill. I swallowed as he brought his glass of wine to his lips and sipped on it.

My throat went dry and the need to gulp down my chuck of drink increased. I downed the drink immediately which almost burned my throat. My fourth drink of the day. I tore my attention from him and frowned as I heard some hootings from beside me.

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