Chapter 23 [A sadist]

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A controlling, abusive, and cheap man. He loves to control everything and everyone. Even if it is not his business or his right but he would do that anyways. And this piece of information about him I added to his folder in my mind.

He can't control an innocent girl's life whether she should use social media or not. She is twenty, for god's sake. She can do whatever she wants, until and unless that is against the laws.

And I'm damn sure that posting a picture of yours on your Instagram wall is not prohibited by the law. Atleast not in America, that I know of.

I will show and help that girl to choose her correct path and how to show him his place and his rights. He is no one to control her around. She is her own person. 

He might be possessive of her but it is not any decent way to not allow her to do what she wishes. Her teenage years will not come back again.

This is her time of life and she should enjoy the fullest. I looked at Mia who was begging Catherine and arguing with her on how she was above eighteen. It angered me more to see him forcing her to dance on his rules.

"I'm going, miss. I do not wish to sit here anymore. I will be going back to my dorm tomorrow early morning. Do not wish to see my face after this." Mia bellowed icily looking at her mother.

I saw as the eyes of Mrs. Bradford lost their glow and dulled. She masked the pain, she got after hearing those words, very well. I pitied her. She was transfixed between her son and daughter.

I looked away from her as her eyes teared up. She called for Mia but she stomped away to her room, without glancing back even once.

There are two things which are same in her and him. And those are that they both care for each other equally and second is that their anger is just same. The difference is his anger is deadliest.

You are saying as if you don't have slight anger issues. You also have started shouting these days randomly, at every person around you. Poor those people who came in contact with you these days.

I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes mentally. Sometimes, I agree, my sub conscious can be right but not everytime.

"What happened, mom?" Cyen asked concerned over how his sister stomped away and his mother's eyes were glossy and wet. Her whole face was red. It seemed she was about to break down but I knew she won't. She is a strong person.

"Her usual." Catherine shook her dismissing the topic, waving her hand like nothing happened.

Mtly eyes darted as I looked for Mr. Bradford but he was not here. He was here a minute ago but now he was gone. I looked at Cyen who was still unconvinced but now he knew the reason. He shook his head grimly.

"Why does she want to do only those things which she is prohibited to? I can't understand that girl. She just wants to do what she wants. I will ask brother to teach some sense into her before it is too late. If I would go to her, she would get more sad than she already is." He soldered with resentment furiously, with his facial muscles etched perfectly to show how much frustrated and tense he was.

Now, I was again angry but this time on Cyen. Are they all bipolar? Are they people having old mindset? I could say now, that they all were same like him.

"Don't get angry on her, son. She will come back downstairs tomorrow on her own. She is just frustrated right now." Mrs. Bradford cajoled while patting over Cyen's shoulder.

He sighed heavily and nodded at her.

"Why is she not allowed to be active on social media, eh?" I asked as I frowned and raised my eyebrows.

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