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I sighed, getting out of the cab and grabbing my suitcase from the trunk.

I thanked the driver, looking at the mansion just a few feet away.

I took a deep breath, before knocking on the door.

A girl opened the door, she looked familiar.

"Hello, who are you?" I looked down at the photo in my hand.

"I'm looking for Penelope Blossom." I showed the girl the photo.

"Mason?" I saw my mother and she rushed out, shutting the door of the house.

I was shivering as the snow fell.

"Penelope, I-"

"You need to leave, now!" She glared at me.

"But mom!" The name slipped out and I immediately regretted it.

I was grabbed by the hair and pulled further away from the house.

"I don't care where you go! Leave now!" The red headed girl from before looked out the window, meeting my gaze.

"Go! Or I swear to god I'll call the cops!" Tears filled my eyes as I grabbed my bag and began walking away from the house.

I had nowhere else to go and with the freezing temperatures I was sure I wouldn't last a night outside.

So I did what I had to do. If I was going to die outside, I'd make it quick.

I grabbed a rock, tying it around my ankle when I got to the edge of Sweet water river.

There were voices coming from the woods so I knew I had to act fast.

I began to walk out toward the middle of the river.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" A red headed boy called out to me.

I let the tears fall freely at this.

He tried to walk in the ice, backing up as soon as it began to crack at his feet.

With him was a blonde girl and a boy with a beanie.

"I'm sorry." I spoke, dropping the rock which made me fall through the ice.

With the weight of the rock I sank toward the bottom of the river.

As soon as I was submerged in the water it felt as though the oxygen was pushed out of my body.

The cold of the water numbed the pain I felt from before and that's when my vision went black.

No one's POV

Archie used his shovel to break the ice where he saw the girl's red hair.

Jughead was quick to dive into the water and grab the girl.

With the rock tied to her body he struggled but managed to get her up and out of the water.

Archie cut the rope that kept the rock to the girl and they checked her breathing.

"She's not breathing!" Betty teared up.

The girl was so underfed and tiny. She couldn't be older than 17.

Betty watched her boyfriend perform CPR on the girl while the other boy called 911.

At this time a curious Cheryl followed the girl's footsteps in the snow to find her friends on the ice of Sweet Water River.

She rushed to the girl, immediately recognizing her facial features.

She looked like Jason, her twin brother Jason. She was a female version of him.

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