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After Cheryl and Toni's break up, over the years Toni comes to see how her ex is doing since no one has heard from her since.

"Cheryl? What are you doing?" Toni asked, looking at the girl who's as painting a portrait of someone that was stuck in her head.

"I'm painting. Don't you like it?" Cheryl asked, moving to show the girl.

"She's beautiful." Toni commented, not thinking the girl was real and that Cheryl had made her up.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Baby, your tea is ready." Toni looked to see the exact girl standing at the doorway.

"Oh, you have company. I'm sorry." Y/N quickly apologized.

"It's okay. Sit, my love." Toni felt a pain in her heart at the nickname her ex lover had called the girl.

The pink haired girl rested a hand on her very pregnant stomach.

The girl was breathtakingly beautiful. As if Cheryl had made her up in her head.

Cheryl grabbed the girl's waist, situating the woman on her lap.

"I didn't know you were back to dating." Toni looked at the two.

"I didn't know you were pregnant." Cheryl shot back, protective of her lover and Toni sighed.

"Cherry, don't be rude." Y/N pouted and Cheryl began playing with her lover's hair.

"Sorry, baby." She kissed the woman's neck as an apology.

"I'm Y/N, it's nice to-"

"Baby, don't. She's just going to spread the word about us." Cheryl commented.

"Not if we tell her not to." Y/N replied.

"I'm sorry about Cheryl, she's not in the best mood." Y/N looked at the pink haired girl.

"How did you two even meet?"

"My mother set us up." Cheryl replied, causing another hit to Toni's heart, but she wouldn't show it.

That had to be a lie, right? Penelope hated Cheryl dating women. She sure hated Toni.

"Really?" Y/N nodded.

"Princess, why don't you go finish up your game with Nana? I'll walk Toni out." Cheryl left a kiss to the girl's jaw, letting her hands slip from the girl's waist as she got up.

"Okay, Cherry. It was nice meeting you, Toni." Y/N gave her girlfriend a quick kiss on her cherry red lips before leaving the room.

"Please, Toni. Don't tell anyone about Y/N and I. She doesn't like the attention." Cheryl looked to where her girlfriend had left, seeing her and Nana Rose outside playing a game of chess.

"When... how..?" Toni tripped over her words.

"Y/N was there for me when you left, Toni. She held me and picked me back up when I fell. She never left my side. It was always just her and I. She was the only one I would talk to, the only person I'd let in. I guess you can say I fell in love with my best friend." Cheryl chuckled.

Toni felt tears form in her eyes.

"Toni?" Cheryl looked at the tears cascading down the girl's cheeks.

"Did you really think that I'd wait this long? Toni, it's been what, five years? You left me broken and you have the audacity to come back after all these years." Cheryl chuckled.

"I'm sorry if I seem happier without you, but I'm in love with someone else." Cheryl put her painting supplies away.

Toni wiped her tears away and stood up.

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