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G!P you

Cheryl looked up when the older woman walked in with another younger woman behind her.

Cheryl already knew she was going to hate Minerva.

"So what are you going to do, turn me in?" Cheryl asked the woman who had figured out that her brother's painting was a fake.

"No, actually. I have a better plan." Minerva smirked.

"Minerva, no." Y/N shook her head and the woman grabbed her wrist.

"I won't stand here and watch you make deals with a-"

"Than leave." Minerva tested.

"I'm doing this for you, my love." The older woman stroke the girl's cheek.

"Dont "my love", me. This girl was clearly just wanting to keep the original. It's a close painting to her. It's her brother, for fucks sake. Can you for once stop being a manipulative little bitch and do what's right?" Minerva clearly didn't like her girlfriend standing up to her.

"Excuse us, Miss Blossom." Minerva spoke and Y/N gave the red head the look.

The look that silently told her to Run. Get out of there and recollect herself.

Y/N was pulled out by her girlfriend.

"Why are you being like this? You know this is very important to me." Minerva glared at her girlfriend.

"Because it isn't right!" Y/N whisper shouted at the woman.

"She's only twenty one, for Christ's sake! She's figuring things out! You know how you were at that age. I'm telling you, let this one slide. It won't affect anything in the slightest." Minerva sighed, cupping her girlfriend's cheek.

"But, baby. She's perfect for us. Her technique is so... so unique." She politely argued with her love.

Y/N let out a sigh, leaning her forehead against her girlfriend's.

"Promise me it'll only be one painting." The younger girl spoke up.

"I promise." Minerva swore, gently pressing a kiss to her girlfriends soft lips.

"Okay." Y/N nodded and Minerva smiled, bringing her girlfriend back into the room.

"Miss Blossom, here's the deal. You paint a portrait of my girlfriend for free and you're off the hook." The oldest in the room declared.

"That's it?"


"But here's the catch. I want her nude."

"Minerva! That wasn't part of the de-" Y/N raised her voice.

"Y/N, you do not raise your voice at me." Minerva glared at her girlfriend and Y/N immediately bowed her head.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Y/N quickly apologized.

"What I say goes, understood."

"Yes, Minerva." Y/N nodded and gulped.

"Tomorrow at noon, I want you to paint my girlfriend. Ill set the scene. It goes my way, understood?" Cheryl nodded at the woman.

"Good." Minerva smiled, pleased at how well this went.

"It's nice doing business with you, miss Blossom." Minerva smirked and grabbed her girlfriend's wrist before tugging her along.

Cheryl was off the hook?

Was Minerva being truthful?

The next day Y/N was forced to show up in only a silk robe, her girlfriend insisting it.

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