Love and attention

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Cheryl froze and looked like she had seen a ghost as she watched the girl enter Pop's.

She seemed to be looking for someone but that didn't matter to Cheryl.

"Holy shit." Cheryl muttered out.

Toni turned to look and froze when she saw the woman.


"Y/N!" The girl ran to her older brother, laughing when she was lifted and span around.

She looked like a female version of Jason.

"I missed you so much!" Archie exclaimed, looking down at his younger sister who he hadn't seen in five years.

"You're so big! Who brought you here?"

"Mommy did! Come on! She's taking us to the mall!" The younger girl dragged her brother out.

"Did you see...."

"Uh huh..." Toni responded with.

Y/N ran around the mall with her older brother who tried to keep track of her.

She was so high energy, just like usual.

Cheryl and Toni thought they would follow just to see if they liked catch another glimpse of the girl.

"Y/N watch out!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Y/N spoke, looking at the woman she had bumped into.

Her eyes were familiar.

"Hi! I know you, don't I?"

"Y/N I told you no running!" Mary scolded her youngest child.

"I'm sorry, Mommy!"

"Toni, what are you guys doing here?" Archie asked, seeing his friends.

"We just wanted to look around." Toni replied, noticing how Cheryl's eyes stayed on the younger girl.

Y/N was only 15, yet she looked so much like Jason Blossom.

Cheryl's hand met the soft cheek of the girl, watching as those blue eyes met her's.

"Hi, Cheryl." Y/N gave the girl a soft smile.

Cheryl seemed so confused... but relieved.

"How do you know my name?" Cheryl asked.

"I dream of you sometimes." Y/N replied, playing with the girl's hair.

"You did?" Toni asked, looking at the smaller girl.

"Uh huh, Jason says hi." Y/N spoke, absentmindedly playing with the girl's hair.

"How do you..."

"JJ visits me sometimes. He says I'm supposed to be with you." Y/N shrugged and Mary immediately covered her daughter's mouth before she could say anything else.

"Y/N, honey why don't you go with your brother to the arcade?"

"Okay Mommy! Bye bye Cheryl, bye bye Toni!" The girl ran off and Archie tried to keep up.

Mary sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Y/N... she's autistic and she thinks her dreams are real sometimes. I'm sorry if-"

"She's a Blossom, isn't she?" Cheryl interrupted and Toni stayed quiet.

Mary sighed.

"We don't know who her real parents were but, she was left on our doorstep when she was newly born." Mary admitted.

"She looks so much like Jason." Cheryl spoke.

Mary smiled, "we know. Maybe she is your king lost sister."

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