Short story

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Y/N had always been fairly quiet, always caught in the background of the yearbook photos.

When people asked who she was, most didn't know.

But Toni knew.

Y/N was her adoptive sister and had been living with her for over a year now.

She was two years younger than Cheryl and Toni, making her 16.

When Toni's parents died, she had to make a choice to either take in Y/N or to leave her to the system.

Of course she took her in.

Y/N was mostly mute, only talking when spoken to and always well behaved.

She was very smart and loved anything to do with the outdoors.

She was a junior this year, making Cheryl and Toni seniors.

Y/N had only been recognized now since Toni and Cheryl began to talk to her during school hours.

Teachers finally realized who that girl was that always sat in the back of the classroom.

Y/N was easily the most beautiful girl in the school, now that she was recognized.

Today was her birthday, marking her 17th year on earth.

She wore a cute white dress that was a hand me down from Toni.

She usually got all her clothes from her.

No one had ever seen Y/N in anything but a loose hoodie and a pair of baggie jeans.

But when she walked into class that day, everyone stared.

She actually put in the effort to do her makeup and actually look presentable today, it was her birthday.

She went to her locker and got her books, hearing whispers from around the hall.

She didn't mind them, going to her classes of the day.

As usual, she didn't do anything for her birthday, going straight home to find Cheryl and Toni scrambling to do something.

They clearly had forgotten her birthday.

"We'll be right back!" Toni assured her, grabbing her keys and following Cheryl to her car.

Y/N just decided to go for a walk, wearing her coat as she walked down the snowed over path of their trail.

She always found peace in nature.

The seventeen year old began to hear footsteps behind her when she came to the streets, stepping aside to let the person pass.

But they didn't, so she kept walking.

She had made her way back to the main trail, figuring out that this person had been following her.

Especially when she purposely made a wrong turn.

She called Cheryl, making her way back home.

"Cheryl?" She asked, hearing Toni's voice in the background.

"Hey, baby. We'll be home soon. Just wait for us. Are you okay?"

"I-yeah. I'm sorry for bothering you, I just-"

"Don't be sorry, what's wrong?"

"I was taking a walk and- hey!" Y/N shouted when suddenly a body slammed into her's, making her drop her phone.

It fell onto the rocks, the girl reaching for it.

A much stronger hand grasped her wrist, pulling her up with such strength that it hurt her.

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