(Not) friends

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"Okay guys were going to be having auditions from other schools for the cast of Carrie just to help us. First one up is Jughead Jones." (He's at Stonewall in this)

I watched from backstage as he sang. He was really really good.

I smiled as he walked backstage and greeted me.

I was last in line and when it was my turn I walked onstage.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N and I'm from Stonewall a prep. I'm auditioning for Carrie White." The red head's eyebrows raised at this.

"Go ahead." I nodded and looked at the floor.

"That's not my name." I got in character as soon as the words left my lips.

"Doesn't anybody ever get it right? Carrie. Why don't they remember that I'm Carrie White? Carrie. Is it any harder to say than that damn toad, and spastic, and weirdo, and dumb bitch?" I walked across the stage.

"Doesn't anybody think that I can hear? I hear. Especially when I got them screaming in my ear, I hear." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Everyday they mock me and push me around til I drop. If I had a wish, god I wish they'd stop." No one stopped me but I knew I was over my time.

"Sometimes their hatred is out of control. God, how they hurt me. Mama says "suffering is good for the soul." But they hurt me.." I sang, my voice much softer as I put a hand over my heart.

"And if I could I'd bring them all down on their knees. I'd make them sorry forever teasing." I smiled as I got caught up in my character.

"Carrie, Carrie, Carrie." I stopped and everyone was out of their seats, clapping. Well except for the red head and another girl I knew as Ethel Briggs.

"You got the part!" I smiled widely and the boy gave me my scripts.

"Thank you!" He gave me a soft hug and tomorrow I'd be back for rehearsals.

Jughead hugged me, spinning me around. He was like an older brother to me.

I laughed at this, smiling when he placed me on his back for a piggy back ride.

"Betty, this is my friend Y/N. Y/N, this is my girlfriend, Betty." He introduced us and we got along really quickly.

She played Sue.

We all went to Pop's chocolate shop and had some food.

"She's not even that pretty." I heard the red haired girl complain but didn't say anything.

"Who are you kidding, Cheryl. She's fucking gorgeous." The pink haired girl spoke.

"Yeah, if you like little girls." Toni rolled her eyes at that and I kept my gaze on Jug.

Ethel was staring at me the entire time which made me a bit uncomfortable but I didn't say anything.

When I got back to Stonewall with Jug we parted ways to our dorms.

The next day I headed over to Riverdale high for rehearsals.

"Okay, go over Unsuspecting Hearts." I nodded and Cheryl joined me on stage, filling in for Josie since she was sick.

"So many years you faced the world alone frightened that life might pass you by." She took a step closer.

"Then he appears, someone who smiled at you this is no time to question why." She cupped my cheek and I smiled softly at this.

"Love can find you when you least expect. Funny how two lives connect. That's how it starts. Two unsuspecting hearts." She sang, looking into my eyes.

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