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The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got.

It had been a long night. Even if he was angry with me, I just wanted Dabi to come back. But he never did. I was stuck alone all night with my thoughts.

Part of me understood maybe there was some deep rooted family issues, maybe even trauma, that he had pushed so far down that it lit a wildfire inside him to bring up.

That would make anyone snap. I tried to be empathetic about that. Clearly something happened that put him on the life path he turned to versus the rest of his family.

I also could've maybe approached it differently, a little less abrupt and desperate.

But another part of me was upset at him.

A lot of this was on him. The beginning of our relationship was built on lies.

I called him Shoto for days. I learned myself he had a fire quirk. Everything about him was so secretive, I couldn't help but be curious.

And he rarely let me in. That's all I wanted. I wanted to know the real Dabi and be close to him. I was willing to be patient for it for awhile, but learning so much information at once got me a little excited.

His body language last night was so intense and aggressive. I didn't think he was going to hurt me, but he shouldn't have acted that way towards me. He shouldn't have spat such bitter words because he was mad.

Just like I could've done things different, so could he.

My head was pounding, lack of sleep taking a toll on me. After parking my car in the hospital parking lot, I checked my phone for the millionth time.

No notifications.

I guess he was still pissed at me. I didn't know how long that would last or when I would see him next.

"Probably weeks." I mumbled, grabbing my bag and opening my car door.

It was cloudy outside today. That plus my lack of sleep was going to make me pretty useless as far as my quirk at work today.

I walked towards the entrance and sighed.

I just want to go home and sleep.

Before I could walk into the automatic doors, my arm was grabbed.

I inhaled sharply, shocked, and turned my head. To my left was a figure leaned against the brick wall, a dark gray hoodie draped over their face.

But I could see their mouth. That smile.

Adrenaline rushed through my body, panic taking over.

"Hello ____." His raspy voice greeted, looking up just enough so I could see his red eyes.

I swallowed hard and looked down at my arm where he was grasping, his pinky was up but luckily he was wearing those gloves I saw him wear around Zoe.

"Uhm, hi." I glanced around, not many people nearby, "Can I help you with something?"

Shigaraki let go of my arm and slid his hands in his hoodie pockets, casually leaning back again. It looked like he was here alone.

"Yes, actually. I need you to come down to the League of Villains hideout with me."

I was just steps from being inside.

Maybe I could outrun him and get help? Or use my quirk to knock him out? No, if he touched me first I would die.

"I'm sorry, I'm actually about to be on shift.. So I kind of need to go in—"

"—It's cute you thought that was a request," Shigaraki scratched at his neck, "It's a demand. Follow me."

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