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My eyes were bloodshot and my head ached from staring at the wall in front of me. It had been hours. Just sitting on the hotel bed, waiting.

I didn't need to sleep. I had enough energy to stay up all night until the next evening.

But I was starting to lose my mind.

They had told me they'd get him tonight, but it was so last minute who knows if they even really had a solid plan. And the police would be sure to expect them to come get him, right?

I bit at the skin around my finger nails, the sting from pulling too much helping bring me back to earth.

Around midnight I had called Seiko and asked them if they could pick up my pets and keep them at their place for awhile again. I apologized over and over, praying they wouldn't hate me.

They said it was fine and didn't seem mad, just tired.

Knowing my pets were safe and far away from my apartment made me feel better. Who knows what hell would break loose when Dabi escapes.

If Dabi escapes.

I clenched on to the bedsheets and tried to take some deep breaths, the wall becoming a blur. Dabi and Zoe's dead body the only thing on repeat in my mind.

Knock. Knock.

My head swiveled towards the hotel room door, my heart stopping.

Please God, please let it be him.

I sprinted to the door and opened it cautiously, my eyes lighting up when I saw the tall figure in front of me. He was covered in a hoodie, mask, and sunglasses, but I knew.

I practically burst out of relief, "Oh my god ba—"

Before I could get the rest of the sentence out, he pushed us in the rest of the way inside and closed the door.

Dabi wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his body like he never had before. Like as if he let go he would fall through the floor.

"____, I'm so sorry." He stated, desperation in his voice, "I'm so so sorry."

I wrapped my arms back around him and suddenly burst in to tears, his scent and heat and overall being overwhelming me.

He never says sorry.

"I was so scared I was going to lose you for good." I mumbled into his chest.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Things got out of hand. They shouldn't have happened like they did. But I'm back. I won't leave you again. I'll make sure of it." He pulled back and looked me, "No matter what I have to do."

He suddenly sighed and his grip loosened, his hand cupping my cheek, "Toga told me what you did. Is it true?"

I wiped the tears away from my eyes and nodded, "I had no other choice. It was you or her."

Dabi pulled me back into his chest and put his palm around the back of my head, "Look at the life I brought you into. I'm so selfish. You shouldn't have done that."

I yanked out of his grip and looked at him seriously, "I had to."

Seeing him in front of me. His face. His scars. His fluffy black hair. His scent. His warmth. The way he made me feel. Everything we've done together. All of the feelings flooding in at once, it reminded me of why I made that impulsive decision.

"And I'd do it again."

Dabi's eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed my shoulder, "____, don't talk like that! You're not one of us. You're different."

My eyes began watering again out of frustration, "I don't want to kill people. But I would do it again and again if it meant you were safe."

His face was unreadable as he looked at me, clearly trying to come up with some argument. He wasn't happy but I knew he had done the same for me.

"I love you, Dabi." I stated softly, grabbing on to the front of his hoodie.

I had never said that out loud to him before.

He kissed my forehead, "You know how I feel about you—"

"—No." I got more serious, "I almost lost you forever. If you do, I want to hear you say the words."

Dabi sighed and moved hair away from my face, a long pause in between. His eyes studied my features like they had the last time he said goodbye, but this time it seemed more just to look at me.

"I love you, ____." He finally stated, his voice low and smooth.

I felt a single tear run down my cheek. I already knew he did, but hearing him say it directly to me made me feel something even more special.

I hugged him tightly again, never wanting to let go.

"Stop thinking you need to kill again. Because you shouldn't have done that in the first place," He kissed the top of my head, "But it's too late for regrets now. Thank you for saving me."

My palms gripped on to his hoodie and clenched tightly, "Of course."

Dabi grabbed my hand and sat me on the edge of the bed, "Are you alright?"

I shook my head and gave a half laugh, "Every ten minutes I feel like vomiting and I can't unsee it."

"It's like that the first time. Luckily you'll never have to do it again."

I nodded, feeling unsure about that. My whole world had been turned upside down. Who knows what comes next.

I started to hear Shigaraki's laugh ring in my ears again. How he had me in the palm of his hand now too.

"We need to get out of here, Dabi. Another city, country, continent, something." I expressed stressed, putting my hand on his thigh.

He stripped off the rest of his layers of disguises and exhaled, "Tomura won't stop. He took me in when I was alone and he knows, just like before, he can do whatever he wants with me."

I aimed my body more towards him, "Then we have to take him down."

"How? Heroes have been after him for over a year and they never get close. He always is a step ahead. And we can't give away the hideout or we get all the other members locked up too. They don't deserve that."

I put my forehead in my palm and inhaled deeply, stressed, "I don't know. But we can't live like this."

Dabi ran his hand down my back, "Just... Just give me a few days and I'll come up with a plan."

No matter what, we are taking Tomura Shigaraki down.

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