Byakuya with an autistic s/o

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REQUESTED BY: @25kaylenh

- if he's feeling a little BOLD he'll ask if he can hold your hand because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable

- He generally likes the quiet so you guys will mostlu be in his ✨private✨ library

- He'll let you pick the dates so he doesn't accidentally choose a bad location

- if you're talking about an interest that you're VERY passionate about, he'll listen to you and if it's something that can be bought, you have like 100 of that thing the next day

- He's an organized boy so e v e r y t h i n g has a place in the house where it belongs

- You two have little "trivia battles"

- you both say all of the fun facts/trivia you can think of and try to see who can name the most

-Byakuya enjoys playing with you but he'll never admit that it's a game

- "Tch, it's not a game, it's an educational experience."

- If you have any eating preferences, he'll have his chefs make it the exact way you like it.

-If you feel awkward in social situations he'll do most of the talking/talk for you unless you tell him not to

-If he or someone else says something that doesn't make sense to you he'll explain it

-He's not the best at reassurance and affirmation but he'll do his best

- he'll leave a kind note or a poem if you need encouragement

-If you need medication or want to go to therapy, he'll pay for it

- "You aren't a burden to me Y/n, you never have been and you never will be. I love you."


A/n: If I said something incorrect or I misrepresented anything, please tell me so I can quickly correct my error :)

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