M! S/o with that has tics triggered by actions that remind him of his trauma

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Requested by: @ShibaShaLil

⚠️Warnings: Mentions of physical and mental ab*se, alc0h0l, ins*lts, t1cs, child abandonment/neglect, slight mention of Kaz//ichi So//da⚠️

- Y/n uses he/him pronouns

🌦Bittersweet🌦 — angst ending with fluff


𝓑𝔂𝓪𝓴𝓾𝔂𝓪 𝓟𝓞𝓥


He was like a magnet to my steel eyes, they seemed to always drift back to him. Who is he, you may ask? Y/n, my wonderful boyfriend. He had always captured my attention, so when we started dating it seemed like a dream come true.

Gosh, that sounds cheesy even in my head. I sound like that pink-haired mechanic, yuck. (A/n Sorry Kazoo Itchy) But everyone has their...worse moments in their relationships. Arguments, so to speak, and I was about to learn some...information.

Now, I knew my partner had tics caused by sudden movements, whether it was blinking rapidly, or neck jerking, or anything in-between. I don't know how I was so stupid! How did I not piece those nuggets of information together!

"Oh my heavens! Byakuya why can't you just understand? Is it SO terrible that I want to spend some quality time with my boyfriend?! I get it, you're rich, you have responsibilities to handle and whatever. But if you could just give a fraction of your time to me, that's all I want!" Y/n was exasperated as yet another date was cancelled because of work

"If I don't get these presentations done by tomorrow, I'll be toast. I'll have to spend even more time, groveling at the feet of my father, and work myself to the brink of exhaustion. Do you really want that?!" I furrowed my brows, feeling my frustration increase along with my stress

"Why are you guilt tripping me? Of course I don't want you to over-work yourself, but why are you making me seem like the bad guy in this situation?! You don't even acknowledge my existence at school! Do you know how many people are doubting our relationship?! How many rumors are spreading?! It's like you care more about your business than me! More than us!" Y/n exclaimed, obviously letting out some thoughts that had been swirling around in his head for who knows how long

"The conglomerate-!" I begin

"Again with the conglomerate?! Can we have ONE conversation that doesn't involve the Togami Corporation? I just ask for one tiny, minuscule thing, and you're blowing it out of proportion!" Y/n was right, I knew that, but I also knew that I needed to get outside to clear my mind

"You know what? I'm leaving." I say after a few moments

"What?" Y/n had a look of shock, confusion, and fear mixed into his expression

"Don't talk to me. I'll come back once I cool down." I said shortly, trying to stop the knowing feeling of annoyance in my stomach

"Can't you go in another room?" He asked, anxiously fiddling with the hem of his shirt

"No, I need to go outside." I was so focused on getting myself out of there, I didn't read his body language at all

"Can I at least come with yo-" he began but my short fuse burnt out and I shouted at him

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I went to grab the car keys, which were on the table next to Y/n. He flinched and put his hands in a defensive position before suddenly jerking his neck and his tongue made a clicking sound. He was shaking, and I could see his eyes were clouded with what I assumed were not-so-happy thoughts. He was mumbling incoherent words as tears streamed down his face.

"Alone...do better...don't leave...useless...useless...useless..."

He was on the floor now, tears streaming down his face as he was holding his head in his hands and ticking more than I had ever seen. In an instant I felt all of my frustration melt into worry. Why did I get angry in the first place? Y/n is here crying while I'm just standing here like an idiot.

I crouch down to his level, making sure to give him space. "Is it alright if I give you a hug?" I ask

He nods and I try to the best of my abilities to be comforting. I'm still foreign to helping people emotionally, but I just went with my instincts and pulled him closer to me. He cried into my shoulder as I stroked his hair, telling him how everything would be alright.

After Y/n stopped crying and appeared to be calm as he was being cradled in my arms, I decided to ask him something that had been on my mind. If he wasn't comfortable with my asking, I would leave it be until he was more at ease.

"So about what you were saying to yourself...do you want to talk about it? It's perfectly understandable if you do not want to." He rubbed at his eyes, wiping off the remaining tears and adjusted his sitting position so that he wasn't in my embrace anymore.

"Yeah...I think I would like to talk about it. It's a little long though." He said, nervously scratching his neck

"I have all the time in the world for you." I said, gently placing my hand close to his so our pinky fingers would be intertwined. He took in a deep breath and began.


"My parents...they had very high standards for me. They wanted me to fulfill their dreams, that wasn't the problem though.The problem was a) their expectations were quite literally impossible to achieve and b) since I'm not perfect, they would punish me using inhumane tactics...some of which were screaming insults at me, locking me in the shed with cobwebs and spiders for a few days, using me as a makeshift punching bag and...yeah you get the point." As my partner explained his childhood his voice along with his body started shaking and started ticking.


Y/n pulled me closer to him and I wiped the tears from his eyes with my thumb. He mumbled apologies, not meeting my eyes as stray tears fell. A few droplets got on my suit but I didn't care, no matter how expensive a suit is, it can be replaced but my relationship with Y/n cannot.

"Hey, it's alright to make mistakes. You don't have to be a perfect human being, even I make mistakes. I mean, look how I let my frustration get out of hand just now." Y/n only nodded "I want you to know there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. You are amazing just the way you are and you have improved my life in more ways than I can describe." I kissed the top of his head, which caused him to look up at me and be stunned as I wasn't big on physical affection. He hugged me and itched his eyes, which were dry from crying.

"How about this, I'll make a warm beverage and we'll watch whatever show you'd like on the couch. Does that sound good to you, love?" I ask

"Yeah, sounds great." He smiled and I could feel my worries being lifted off my shoulders.

For now, it's only us.


Thank you for reading! Please tell me if I misrepresented something or said anything incorrect.

Love you all!


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