Byakuya x Real! Reader

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Length: 1753 words
Genre: Fluff
Requested by: _fluffyCandies_ , hope you enjoy!

This a continuation to the one where Byakuya just...A P P E A R E D in your house


CW/TW: Caps lock/Yelling (but not angry yelling, happy yelling), perverted jokes


"Daddy Long Legs!" You exclaimed suddenly, snapping your fingers as you recalled the nickname. It had been almost an entire year since the rude boy had entered your life — said boy, Byakuya Togami — was currently chilling on your couch. He was reading one of your favorite books and eating an uncrustable you had given him. As childish as it was, he didn't like crusts on sandwiches.

"What?" He sat the sandwich on the plate and looked with wide eyes at the floor, "Is there a spider?"

"Nah, I just remembered Daddy Long Legs is just a very popular name for you." You explained, Byakuya deadpanned at you

"...what?" He repeated, much more monotonous than the first time. "That's absurd."

"Your legs are...pretty long my guy. Heck, people make cursed images about it." You looked up "cursed Byakuya Togami" and went to images, searching for the perfect one to show your guest.

" You looked up "cursed Byakuya Togami" and went to images, searching for the perfect one to show your guest

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He closed his eyes and sighed heavily "I hate the internet." He muttered

You pat his back "Me too, me too. But without the internet you wouldn't 'exist.'"

"Why do they 'simp' for me, but at the same time make fun of me."

"'Cause it's funny." You told him

He scoffed "That's weird." And at that moment you had realized he had unintentionally called you out. French fries.

"You're weird." You instantly responded, an old habit from when you were younger that somehow manifested itself back into your life

Byakuya rolled his eyes "You're immature, stop bothering me." And went back to the book. You just sighed shortly and went onto Wattpad, reading a [Character] x reader. You felt someone staring at you and turn around to see Byakuya looking over your shoulder.

"Bro you good?" You asked, turning to make eye-contact with the character, he just scoffed and pushed up his glasses, looking at the book in his hands as he spoke

"You showed me that there are stories about me, some of them being of great quality, why don't you read one of those instead?"

"Instead of one about [Character] ?" You ask, having an internal logic dive.

"Yes." He said flatly, looking at the book but he didn't seem to reading since his eyes weren't moving

"Why?" You ask, hiding your smirk while playing the 'oBliVioUs y/N' role that is very common in fan fictions.

Byakuya Togami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now