Random Byakuya HCs

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So just random headcannons I have for Byakuya, HOPE this satasfies your need for now.

Also, the pic made my heart go BRRRRR-

• he has breakdowns whenever he thinks about him fighting his siblings and questions if he is fit to rule

•he has curly-ish hair, like it goes up on the ends (kinda like Kokichi's) but he straightens it because b u i s n e s s

•if your b00bies/pecs/collarbones are showing he'll be a blushy boy before he gets you a different shirt and tell you to "cover up."

•He asks Makoto for relationship advice

• he won't ever say it, but if you were gone he'd probably 🧚 if you catch my drift-

•he doesn't usually like crying because he thinks  it'll make you dissapointed in him :(

•He enjoys strawberries (idk I read it in a story and I was like: new headcannon acquired)

•overworks himself a lot

•forgets to drink water and eat (have u drank water today, dear reader?)

•very good listener

•bad at giving advice tho

• "Byakuya, someone called me a [insert insult here]. What should I do?"

• "Sue them 😄"

• you made him dress up as the Once-ler and took a video of him singing "How Bad Can I be?" (But he was very monotone and looked dead inside.)

•you bet your butt he pampers you with gifts

• "Awww, Byakuya look at this cute dog!"


• You once called stocks "STONKS"

•He just put his head in his hands and groaned in pain-

• finds Boomer and mom Facebook memes funny-

•You're gonna have to educate him-

•Him, Nagito, and Kokichi all meet up once a week every month to find out ways to mess with the protag's head

•You bring them snacks and ask them questions that give them an existential crisis (they ask those questions to the poor protagonists)

•You call Nagito and Kokichi your "adopted sons"

•Kokichi calls you "Mommy"
(Even if you're a them or a dude-)

•You'll have to stop Byakuya from committing ✨homicide✨

• *insert flash back dOoOo dOo dOoOoO*


• "🔫🙂 Shut up you worthless gremlin."

• "Ah yes, this is a great example of h o p e from Byakuya-"

•"Hold that thought son, I have to stop your father."


•*cough cough*

• A n y w a y s-

•Sometime's you'll apologize for Byakuya's behavior-

•You're trying to teach him "How to not show your superiority complex to everyone you meet"

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