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@fourtrisannabeth this is for you. ALL YELLOW TO YOU!

17 years later

"Girls! Can you keep it down?" I screamed from my office, "I'm trying to work here!"

The incessant chatter continued for fifteen more minutes before I lost it, "That's it, get yourselves over here!"

The noise receded as two four year old children found their way to the main door. One was covered up with chocolate, the other in tears. 

I glanced at my two daughters, both with brown eyes like mine and black hair like my husband. 

"Now, who will tell me what the matter was?" I folded my arms across my chest, trying the very best to sound like a stern mother. 

Jasmine pointed at Olivia, "My twin ate my chocolate!" 

Olivia barked back at her, "I'm older, I can do whatever I wish,"

"By five minutes, you idiot!" Jasmine sighed aloud. 

Trust me, this happens every single day. 

"See mom," Olivia pointed, "How shameless she has become? Calling her older sister an idiot, my!"

Jasmine was in tears again, "But she ate my chocolate..!" 

I put in head in my hands, this was impossible. 
"Now, Olivia, why did you eat her chocolate?"

She stuttered before answering, "Her name wasn't written on it, and it was my favorite chocolate,"

"Oh really, aunt Shailene had got both of us 2 chocolates each; you ate yours in a single day while I saved one of mine for some other!" Jasmine fired back, "You know that real well. And they're my favorite too!"

I put my hands up in the air, "Okay, we'll have some silence now would we?" I continued, giving Olivia my scariest scare...about as scary as a donkey in clothes, "We'll buy Jasmine two more chocolates, since you ate the one she had saved; giving you three chocolates while she had one. And for being a naughty girl, you're not getting pudding for snacks,"

A part of me wanted to take back the punishment at seeing the angel's sorrowful face, but the strict mother in me shook her head and told me to carry on with it. 

I chose the third path, "On one condition, you'll get it," Her eyes lit up, almost determined to follow it right away, "Apologize to your sister and promise me to never fight with her again," 

I was well aware that this was a one time thing, a similar but the same time, different situation would arise tomorrow. Or perhaps day after tomorrow.

Olivia glanced at Jasmine's smirking face, then at my serious one, then nodded. "I'm sorry Jasmy," 

The warm mother in me engulfed both of them in my arms, grinning like the idiot I was. 

"Both of you are each other's best friend. Don't ever upset the other, alright?" I asked them sweetly. 

Jasmine looked at me, "Just like you and aunt Shailene?"

A trillion memories flooded my mind until I smiled and nodded. 


"I'm home!" my hubby announced as he locked the front door of our house, "Won't anyone come to greet me?"

The noise and clatter followed to the source of the voice and my feet themselves climbed down the stairs. 

A mass of black hair greeted me. I tapped his shoulders when he was kissing Olivia's forehead, and a pair of green eyes greeted me. 

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