Chapter 33, Missing

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Julian is late.
For the very first time, I am on time.
And he is efing late!!!

I impatiently pace around my locker, burning probably all the carbs I ate at breakfast, my mom's super duper tasty - pancakes.
Freshly hot from the stove, maple syrup sliding down the uneven surface, topped with blueberries.

And waiting certainly is not.

What am I waiting for?
Well, today's the day Julian has to return my yellow diary back to me. He texted me yesterday that he's finished reading it; and will return it to me yesterday, that is, today; at school at 8 and it's 8:30!

Just to check if I had read the message right, I open the it.

'Hey Shai, I'm done reading the diary. It really answered some of my questions and made me feel even more connected to you, not sure if that's possible but yeah.
I know what you're one would kill me! These muscles aren't a waste you see. Anyways, back again, I'll bring the diary to school meet me in front of your locker; sharp at 8.
Ps. Jasmine keeps blackmailing me that if I don't let her read your diary she'd tell you that I watch SpongeBob SquarePants with her  which will make you break up with me. And poor me has to lie that your diary is lost; don't worry though I've wrapped it in several layers of newspaper and kept it safe in my sock drawer. She really hates the smell of my socks and won't go checking in there, I swear.
Well, your diary misses you and so do I!
See you tomorrow!!'

That unpunctual person.

Even Jake has arrived who is always very late, not to mention his stupid acting at being surprised upon how punctual I was.

Thea and Mason passed through right in front of me; not even noticing me; horribly busy licking each other's faces off.
Keep me away from that.

Jade and Theo hand in hand, waved at me while on their way to class. They literally share their time table, both of them are in every class with each other.

Mia and Noah came up and talked to me for a minute or so, and then passed away, fighting obviously.
Mia with a lock of Noah's dirty blonde hair and Noah mimicking her every word.
They sure look like an old couple, who are not really couples.

After camp, all of us are somehow even closer to each other, if that's even possible, especially the romantic couples.
That's kinda sweet, but it's getting on my nerves as everyone is busy flirting, fighting and making out and there's me who doesn't even know where her guy is.
Instead of kissing him, replying to his cocky comments; I'm very busy exercising by pacing around my locker; desperately waiting to see him.
AND getting super hungry and frustated in the process.

Why does this always happen to ME?

Just when I decided to call him, and let out all the frustation for being so late, I see a glimpse of black hair.

The idiot of the hour.

"I'm sorry, got stuck in traffic. Had to some shopping and drop Jasmine had to leave early." He replied between breaths.

"You owe me a pancakes." I mumble.
That's all I say. Yay.

Grinning, he replies, "Done."

He opens his backpack, to obviously return my diary, still smiling.

I see a literal change in his expressions, from a smile to a serious face, to surprise, to worried, to then super worried.
I wish I could record that; would've been equal to a stash of  gold at his birthday.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It has to be here somewhere, I'm sure I kept it!" He whispers to himself.

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