Chapter 37, Julian's POV 2

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It was the last word I heard from my little sister. My name.

Before I could comprehend anything, I shouted at the top of my voice and rocked the broken chair at which I was seated to hit straight on her toe; "You bitch! How the fuck could you do that?! I swear I'm gonna KILL you."

Lisa slightly winced and grabbed me by the collar, "Look here you twat, if you weren't so hot I'd have actually sent you to your sister. And did you see how much fun I had killing her? I'd wanted to this since so long!" 

I shook my head, "You're fucking crazy."

"Honey, there is a huge difference between crazy and cruel, you're not that smart up here are you?" she pointed to my head and continued, "Now, I need to handle her, Shailene. I'll  be back soon enough." 

Under normal circumstances, I'd have her knocked out within a minute. But this isn't normal. I've been tied to a stupid chair, the person in front of me is a skilled crazy gangster and my sister is dead, my best friend is dead. 

With a final wink at me, she shot the fat man who was still somehow sleeping, right at his head, and left in a flash. 

I lean back in the chair, suddenly loosing all my energy to sit straight. There lies a pool of blood beside me, blood which belongs to my sister, my hands are tied tightly and I can't even hold her in my arms. 

Happy memories flash in my mind; making me realize the fact that it is the happy memories which hold the power to make you cry, not the sad ones, cause the tears for them have already been shed. 

Jasmine came into my world on 7th October, and by just a single look at her face I realized that I've met my princess. 
She was so, literally too. She annoyed me to hell, always fighting for the T.V., eating up by chocolates without permission, breaking up my X-box, tearing up my homework and always managing to get me into serious trouble. 

But I couldn't imagine a life without her. She may have done all that, but her actions afterward always melted my heart. She introduced me to Dora, Diego, Spongebob and encouraged me to laugh at their lame jokes; saving the last bite of any chocolate just for me; fixing my X-Box back with cello-tape and doing her homework twice to give one to me. 
Her adorable tries to do her make-up; smudging mom's lipstick all across her cheek and putting all sorts of crazy things to her beautiful natural face, randomly singing any sort of song without comprehending the lyrics.     

I remember her singing 'Hot Girl Bummer' a few days back, mispronouncing tons of words, 'fuck' to 'duck', and a lot more; as they were 'bad' words. 
And whenever I laughed at her attempt, I'd return with a bruised eye. 

And now she's just beside me, absolutely still. Not saying a word at all. 

I hear a light voice just then. 


I turn to look at my girl with tear-filled eyes. Her head was bloody, I couldn't bear to look at it, let alone feel it.
I was a horrible brother; I was breathing, while she was struggling. It was because of me. Because of me she lies here, panting, because of my irresponsibility. She was suffering the consequences of my actions. 

She managed a smile despite all the pain she felt and said in the cute, bubbly voice that she had, "I  love you Jules."

That was it. I burst out. Tears flew all around my face; down my cheek, nose, chin. I was a mess. 

Her face turned into a painful expression, "I wish I could wipe those tears off, but my hands are tied. Don't cry brother. Please don't." I couldn't help but notice how faint her voice became after every word she said. 

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