Chapter 31, Match Made

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Tables are turning around...why are me and Cal getting so many moments?
Well moments is not the word I'd like to use...

Cal seems dumbstruck...I can't be THAT horrible to spend 7 minutes with, right?

We lock eyes and I smile weakly at him as we together move to the boys tent. I look at Julian who has an unreadable expression on his face when he looks at me and forcibly smiles.
Giving him a look which says not to worry, I enter the tent with Cal behind me.

"We are not actually having sex right?" He asks shyly.

Shaking my head I reply, "no, and please no kissing as well."

I am usually good at reading facial expressions, but I can't make out his emotion right now...maybe my skill is wearing away?

"Its nice to see that you're so loyal to Julian. He's really lucky to have you." Cal states.

"Well I love him, and I guess you are SUPPOSED to be loyal to your partner." I reply back flatly.

"Who says that? There are so many girls I know who'd willingly cheat on their boyfriends when they get free chances to hook up with someone."

"Its written in the bible of relationships, cheating is bad." 

He laughs heartedly at that.
That's when Noah interrupts, "Dude I've heard moans, but it's the first time I've heard someone laugh while at it."

Cal stops me before I'm off to punch Noah in his face, "Don't worry, he knows you won't hurt Julian. And he loves to joke around; you know that."

Sighing, I settle down back on one of the foldable chairs, Cal sure has interesting furniture. "You guys really have made a mess in here." I chuckle taking account of my surroundings.

Theo, Jake and Mason did make a huge mess here. There is a packet of crisps on the someone's bed I have no clue who's; the suitcases are wide open not to mention that I can see a pair of boxers next to me.

"Well, ours is cleaner. Julian loves a clean surrounding. And by love, I actually mean love. He can't even stand seeing a towel out of place!" He grins.

"Yeah I'm aware. It's him who cleans up my room after all. Whenever I'm scolded for my normal messy looking room; it's my first job to call him." I laugh.

Noah interrupts us again, "I didn't get an answer to my question!"

Ignoring him again, I continue, "I have something to tell you."

Cal looks at me with questionable eyes and gestures me to go on.
"I told Julian about the whole gang business thing. He found it out actually that I'm not Shailene; I had to tell him about all of it."

Cal takes a deep breath, "Okay; how did he react?"

"He was really supportive. He ensures not to call me Linda in front of others and doesn't ask many questions... understanding the fact that I actually don't have the answers. If it had been someone else I'm pretty sure he'd break up with me."

There is a dark look in his eyes, as he replies bitterly, "Do you think he'd be able to keep the secret?"

"Think? I'm positive. I love him, I trust him. He'd kill himself instead of breaking my trust. You know that Cal. He's your friend after all." I state; that wasn't how you're supposed to question your friends right.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or something. It's just that I don't want my dad's identity to be revealed." He says apologetically.

"I didn't tell your part."

"What?" He questions.

"I didn't tell him that you knew all of it. It's not my place to tell. And I wasn't sure he'd be able to handle the point of your father being a gang member when he loves hanging out with him you see. I can't make such a big decision for you."

He squeezes my hand lightly, "Thank you."

I smile.


"So people how was it? Hope Cal didn't disappoint you Shailene." Noah pouts.

No one is stopping me now.

I hit his head, hard.

"Ouch! Girl I was joking!"

Making a face at him, I go to Julian, taking my seat right next to him.
He smirks, "How is Shal for a ship?"

After hitting his elbow, I focus back to the game.
The bottle spins and lands finally on the two people for whom we are playing iy.

Jessy smirks, "Mason and Thea; get it you two." 

Mason looks excited, scared, happy, jumpy and nauseated at the same time if that's even possible; and Thea looks like a nervous wretch. 
The same Thea, who would hook up with any cute boy if they were near and be cool about it.

Its rightly takes you places.


I sit on my bed, with Mia snoring beside me, Jessy peacefully asleep hugging her pillow and Jade gone off for some NATURE walk with Theo; nature sure that is.

Thea has some earphones plugged in and us humming happily.
Neither Thea nor Mason has told what happened inside the tent, well not exactly...Thea did tell that Mason tripped on the packet of chips and Mason did mention that it was some clothing.
That's pretty much all.

I go over to Thea and she raises a brow, facing me and removing her headphones.

"Don't hide it girl. Tell me, what happened; did you guys make out? Or kiss at least..?" I ask, full of excitement.

"Alright...but please don't share it to others. I don't wanna tell them before we are official. He confessed that he has feelings for me and so did I. I kissed him lightly on the cheek too." Thea blushes.

I smile back at her.
Thea. The girl who can kiss any guy at random without ever being shy, can't kiss her crush.
The girl who hardly ever blushes, is avoiding a cute moment.

"He told me that he'd do something special and that was the time when the seven minutes passed. I have no clue what that is, but I look forward to it." She continued, still blushing.

I poke her at the arm, "Mason is a wonderful planner. At least you know he's not going to plan a cliche dinner and movie."

"He knows me well. He'll surely plan something awesome." She says.

"Alright. I'm sleepy now, and we have to leave tomorrow. I better catch on a good night's sleep" I yawn.

Thea shrugs while saying, "I'll sleep later. I need to go to Mason. I need to ask him something."

"Girl that's called proposing." I laugh.

"Which I'm not doing at the moment." Thea mumbles.

Grinning I get into my sleeping bag.

Clearly Thea is lying.
She always bites her lip while doing so and looks super confident while at it.
One thing I know for sure is that Mason is gonna accept the proposal and the whole crew's hardwork will pay off as the match will be made.

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