Chapter 24, Begins

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I'd dedicate this chapter to my very first follower! Thank you sooo much @Rockwell7007❤️❤️

Huff and puff.
Huff and puff.
Huff and puff.
Huff and puff.

No, I'm not imitating the big bad wolf from the three Little pigs.
This is me, getting ready.

No, not for a party. For facing Julian. Yeah. I have to tell the tale today.

Take sounds pretty happy and comforting? Trust me it is anything but that.

I have ordered two boxes of pizzas, with extra cheese and more cheese and some more of it. Need that. Love that.

I have got three movies, each of a different type.
I love horror and mysteries; Julian is more into romcoms or action.
So, me bringing - the Conjuring, Mission impossible and Infinity war.

His choice now.

I know there are real less chances that we would sit up watching the movies cause I need to tell him about 'my screwed up life'. But I figured that just maybe?

Just maybe he might forgive me, just maybe he will accept me, just maybe he won't be mad at me, just maybe he won't break up with me, just maybe he will comfort me, just maybe he will trust me.

Just maybe.

I am not usually this insecure, but I cant help but imagine if I am doing the wrong thing. I have already lost Via, I can't lose Julian too. I told her this, she was found dead 3 days later. I remember her last words 'you need to get out'.
There is nothing much to figure, she meant that I have to escape...only if it was that simple.

I wore my necklace today. I consider it my lucky necklace, I wear it anytime I feel nervous. Especially during school tests...which make me score well.
I wear it every time I face anything big in life, and it gives me hope.

Not only in tests at school; at the tests of life too.
Yep you guessed right.
I wore it the day I told Olivia about me, the day she died, junior prom and the time I went to meet Shailene.

Shailene Mande Collins was the one who sent me this.

It was my birthday. Yeah, you may consider me unlucky but I don't get amazing presents throughout the year. Its only my birthday or christmas; nothing more, nothing less.

It was when Shailene was leaving me, the time after I killed Caleb.
Being a gang member, she never faced poverty. Im serious. She never had to ask her parents for pocket money, which Mr and Mrs Collins(my parents right now) found quite weird, but never questioned it. After all their money isn't getting wasted for a teenager buying unnecessary makeup stuff.

so, she gifted the heart pendant, with a diamond inside. I find it really beautiful, and wearing it everytime makes me feel like her, remember her. I feel that a part of her is inside me, where I am given hope and courage that she possesses.
Shailene had always been the brave hearted, roudy, adventurous and smart. I? Don't ask. As said before, I can be called an untrained chimpanzee.

David gave the pendant to me, and I already had a silver chain that would go well with it; yeah, one of Shailene's christmas gifts...I think she sent the pendant to make a match. Shailene wasn't able to come at my birthday.
David said that she was really busy and deserved isolace. I understood. She loved me at that time, although I think it has completely changed after Caleb's death; she wouldn't ditch me.
I'm not sure now.

She even sent me a message that night. It was something regarding Lisa, the blondie who smiled at me when I went to the hotel.
I found her nice, she was considerate and smart. I don't know how she ended up as a gang member.

Lisa had some important thing on, Shailene never tells me anything so I don't know why she didn't deliver the package herself.
She likes doing her things herself, but this was completely new.

But after all, she isn't the Shailene I know.

"Shailene!" Shouts my mom from her room.
Her voice had panic, so I ran.

"Yes mom -"

"Quick! Help me choose.
This black one, red one, or pink??"

I stare dumbly at my mom, well Shailene's adoptive mom; after mine died in a car crash.
She stands in midst of clothes, variety I hadn't even seen.

"Honey quick...I don't have much time! Dad will be here any minute!" She screams on top of her lungs.

Who says a person acts like their age.

I chuckle and pick out the white top, paired with black pants.
This is one of her favourite outfits and she looks pretty good in it too.

"Ooh, I searched the whole hell for this" she laughs and goes into the dressing room to change.

I booked a table at a very fancy restaurant today, as it was their 'date anniversary'.
Yep, one major reasons I asked Julian to come in today.
May not look like so, but yeah I'm not dumb!

I wanted some free time, and an empty house to be in while telling the whole story to Julian.
I needed it too.

My mom rushes out, kisses me on the cheek as she hears dad honk outside.
She waves at me and winks, cause she knows Julian would over.
I didn't tell her. Trust me.

Only hope it was for a cheerful time together.

"Bye" I smile and shut the door.

As soon as I do, I hear the bell ring.
Julian is here.

Huff and puff.
Huff and puff.
Huff and puff.
Huff and puff.

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