Chapter 38, Saving

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Linda's POV

The plane ride went fine; if you ignore Noah's terrible air-sickness, Thea's constant speeches upon pure nerve, Jake's random kicks for practice, and the slight confusion on our terminal; which may have resulted in us missing our flight. 

The rest was perfectly fine. Except the point that I slipped on a banana peel while stepping up the stairs. 

After Jordan had thrown open the door to reveal the tiny, windowless room; my eyes settled upon the person I was most anxious to meet. 

Julian's face was smeared with dried up tears, hair full of dirt and the tee slightly ripped at the end. I also noticed the dark bangs under his eyes and the purplish bruise forming on his cheekbone.
Oh god.

My eyes travel across the room and register the scene right in front of it. A huge guy has Shailene by the collar, Lisa stands in the corner rubbing an injury while 6 guys stand right next to us; armed with huge guns. The sight which stops my eyes from roaming around, is a pool of thick-red blood. A petite body is slouched on a wooden chair, red hair fanning around the injured face. 

Noah gasped visibly and stuttered, "Jasmine?!" 

It took me a minute to register. Nothing could have happened to her now, could it?

Under normal circumstances, Jasmine would have looked up at me, sensing my presence around her and flashed me a toothy grin. She would run up to me, almost making me fall off with the amount of force she'd use to hug me. 
None of that happened. 

She was sitting on the chair, absolutely still. Not even bothering to look at me. 
She really was dead. 

My body acted before my mind did. I was flying across the room and punching Shailene with all I had got. 

I couldn't hear anything around me. Everything was a blur. There was muffles around me, whispers, but I couldn't hear them. 

A deep voice brought me back, "Lyn, it wasn't Shailene. She's innocent. Lisa killed her." Julian sobbed. 

I stopped attacking Shailene and silently pleaded for forgiveness. She gave a nod and that was enough. 

I went up to Lisa, the girl whom I had come to like, and asked, "Why?" 
My voice was calm, but I recognized the coldness in there.  

She sighed dramatically, "Aren't you guys done with asking me this question?! I'm done with answering it!"

My hand automatically griped around her neck and pressed tightly.
I look up and ask again, "Why?"

Her hands reach mine at her neck, but fail at removing the strong grip. I myself didn't know why. Something called adrenaline, I guess.

She gave me a little choke, "Cause I wanted to alright?! I'm done with reciting the same story again and again."

My fingers pressed tighter. I had no clue why and how, but there was just something that has switched off in me, depriving me of all humanity.

"I'm going to kill you. I swear. Just because I want to." I snarled, barely recognizing my own voice.

Just when I was about to squeeze the nerve at her neck, one of the black guys approached me from behind, pulling me of the beast.

I struggled but couldn't get away. Jake came from behind and hit him on the leg to cause him fall back and loosen the grip on me. And that was exactly what I needed.

I kicked with all I knew and the guy feel back, making strange noises.
Some part of me wanted to go near him and tend his wound, but the other part didn't.

Before I knew it, I was attacking the other black-dressed guy. Thea and Noah were attending to another one, while Shailene was still struggling under the grip of the hardest, most muscled one.

Jordan was at the ground, picking up a pistol; while Cal was no where to be seen. 

Shailene twisted and began attacking the man's arm, on the same spot again and again. Her body flipped in the air as she did a perfect summersault as soon as the guy had reduced the strength of his grip. 

She took out a dagger from her boot and tossed it to his head. The man ducked and the grey-black dagger was found stuck to the nose of an old woman's photograph.

Before I knew it, a splash of light brown hair was on the ground, squirming in every direction possible.

"Jake!" I called while ducking through a punch of another guy, silently telling him to take over.

He was right at my service and as soon as I saw him flying his leg round in 360 degrees, my elbow attacked the arm of the man attacking my twin.

"Oh darn, fuck it alright." he exclaimed loudly, and my eyes widened when I saw him pull out a small gun from his back pocket. 

Instead of shooting it at me as I expected, he pointed out at the window; blasting of whatever was left of the cracked glass.
He repeated this thrice and then pointed the gun directly at Shailene.

The man flashed her a grin, showing disgusting yellow teeth and attempted to pull the trigger.

Attempted being the key word. A loud bang, and before we knew it; the guy was on the floor.

I looked up at Jordan, and I didn't need a Sherlock Holmes brain to see how bad he had been affected.
His hands were shaking and his pupils had grown to the size of a football.

I rushed up to him and he stuttered, "What have I done?"

My hand was immediately on his shoulder while he sobbed lightly; "He had shot on the window, he wanted to pass a message. There are probably more coming Shai."

More. More death. More danger. 

My eyes travelled around; Jake was still fighting, three men were down, Noah and Thea were on with two others failing miserably. Black-blue bruises formed on their necks, and Noah had a clearly visible black eye. Explaining that to his mom was going to be tough; walking in a door won't help it. Cal still was nowhere to be found and this made my blood boil, he can't leave us at such a crucial time. 

After helping Jordan sit down, I ran to my boyfriend. 

"Shai..." He choked and pointed to his dead sister, "I don't deserve to live after that. Leave me here and get out. I've already lost one of my princesses; promise me I won't loose another." 

My eyes were fixed on the tight ropes on his hands, I looked up into his eyes and said, "It wasn't your fault Julian," I saw him open his mouth to contradict me, but I raised my hand; pleading him to let me continue, "It's my fault as well; all the fault is mine, actually. I dragged you into this mess. Jasmine, who didn't even know about my identity suffered because of it. It's my twin's friend's fault; making it mine, I connected you all together. Don't you dare blame this upon yourself, princess Ariel won't like it. Promise me."

He gave me the tiniest smile, probably because of the pet-name I gave Jasmine, based on the red-haired Disney mermaid. 

My hands worked fast, and within a minute Julian was free. I also noticed how hard the ropes were tied, his hands had the rope marks, etched deep in. 

He got on his feet and looked at me. I gave a smile and told him, "It wasn't your fault Julian, it was the fault of bad-luck. This princess won't ever leave you." 

Within a second, his arms were wrapped around me, shaking slightly. 
I hugged him back and then pointed to our friends, "They need help."

He nodded and went off to Noah, who was now on the floor, panting heavily with a set of new fresh bruises. 

Just then, the door opened again. 

About 20 more people stood there. 
Oh and did I mention, armed with guns? 

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