Chapter 20, The Big Party

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I am sitting on my bed, with Thea, Jessy and Jade picking out clothes for me.
That job is literally out of my reach. Ever heard of the thing called 'mission impossible?'
Well that's literally the case for me when picking clothes.

Gosh, how am I popular?
Well I guess that's due to magic.

I still remember the day I entered a party with my pyjamas on. And they were really cute! With unicorns and butterflies...
Shailene was with me that night, not going into the bad memories; I lied everyone that 'I' was Shailene.
And pointed towards the actual Shailene and said that 'she' was 'linda'.
As Linda (the actual Shailene) was dressed in a cute crop top and a pair of to impress, you know.
Shailene tried her very best to convince everyone that SHE was Shailene and 'I' was Linda...but as usual, wasn't able to.

"Gosh girl; what's your problem?? Thanks to us, you have such amazing clothes; and you aren't ready to wear them?! You'll rock it!" Says Thea, her eyes are like bloody Mary, yeah the ghost that comes when you say bloody Mary three times in front of the mirror; and she appears with a knife in her hand; and her mouth is open.
God...that's unique.

Thea has the same look in her eyes, if I don't agree to her soon, you'll be at my funeral guys.

"Yeah seriously dude! What's WRONG in this super cute red short dress?" Asks Jessy. "Or this super glittery silver gown?"

"Too fancy. And I'm never wearing that" I say pointing my fingers towards them.
"How did it get in here?"

I am genuinely crazy. Isn't that my closet?

"Oh god. Dude, you have to decide's been an hour deciding!" Screams in Jessy.

"Ok fine fine. Chillax, I'll do it" I get up; why doesn't any one allow my poor body to rest?

I search through the mess they've created, just hoping that some miracle happens and I am showered with something comfortable and cute.

Angels are singing in the background.
I have just found the perfect thing!

"Guys" I smirk, and point towards what I have just spotted. Victory at last. I am excited to go to this party, I haven't been to one since a long time, well to be specific, three weeks.

"Finally" says Thea.
"That thing - " starts Jessy "isn't sexy" and there, she completes it.
"Perfecto!" Grins Jade.

I rush into the changing room, and come out wearing my black and red cheq shirt, paired with a leather jacket and black tights. Aren't I a genius?

Am applauded by the three of them, as they simply fall, obviously exhausted by the work I made them do.
And I sheepishly smile.


I am sitting in Thea's car, while she is driving. Everyone is looking gorgeous. I am a hundred percent sure that Rosh will again bring along drinks...and not even a single person will be left who is NOT drunk.

Thea is wearing a knee length dress, and she rocks it. Jessy has gone simple with a pair of jeans and a crop top. Jade is dressed in an olive green top with black jeans, she looks good in almost everything.

We reach there in twenty minutes, and I can already smell the alcohol in there. Music is just so loud that feel that I might soon go deaf.

These were some of the problems that really irritated me, but now my ears are used to this shit. They have adjusted for me, so touching.

We enter as populars, people all around waving, saying hi, winking and smirking.
I wave back at a few people and sit down on the sofa. The house is big, good enough for a party.

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