Chapter 39, Near the end

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"We are all delightfully screwed." Julian whispered.

Just when I thought we might actually get through this, this happened.
Talk about bad luck.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jordan get up with his gun, aiming it on one.
A second later, one man was down with a bullet wound on his chest. 

My eyes automatically shut in despair when I thought about how the sensitive boy must be feeling at moment. Jordan aimed at another guy, and then pulled the trigger. 

Shailene was up in a second; she had managed to magically display 3 sharp knives in her hands, ready to kill anyone at sight. The knives flew in different directions and hit 3 different men in 3 corners of the room.
And my mouth flew wide open too. 

Suddenly, people were flying across the room, one attacking the other. I found myself face to face with a man whose head was shaved and his mouth revealed a gold tooth in place of the canine. 

"Hey pretty girl, I really do not want to hurt you. Meet me after this, there was a table I saw in the kitchen which I'd think would serve the purpose - " He started and suddenly groaned when Julian hit him with a rod, which wasn't apparently in his hands a few seconds ago. 

After a few more hits, the man's head was a bloody mess and he panted on the floor. Life crept out of him, while some of it flew out of me too. 

"Shai," Julian approached me "You okay? I hope he didn't say anything more than what I heard." 

I shook my head and gently squeezed his arm, really not having the energy to smile. 

The door creaked again. All eyes settled on it for a golden second before Cal came in, with Kim and a few others whom I didn't recognize.

"Kim!" The relief in Shailene's voice and her face was priceless as she went up to him, just like a little girl running upto her father; her very first knight in shining armor. 

Kim showed her a real smile; "I'm here. Some of the others too, I tried to get as many as I could..."

My sister hugged him, and if I didn't know better, my eyes would be popping out of their sockets. 

Jordan took advantage of this moment and began firing around the room. His eyes were stony, emotionless as he took down several men.  

A man shouted out loud pointing at Jordan, "First him!"

Kim's eyes widened and he sprinted forward, right in front of Jordan, shielding him from the rest of the world. 

My eyes shut when I heard a bang and they opened again to see Shailene and Cal rushing towards a wounded Kim, blood pouring out of his shoulder. 

There happened a sudden burst of energy around the room, the men he had brought immediately spread across the room and began attacking. Julian launched himself onto the nearest muscled-guy and my feet jostled towards him. 

With a few punches from each side, we had managed to make him unconscious with a black eye. Cal was seated at the corner while his father laid on his lap. Most of the black dressed men were down; following another bang in the tiny room, all of them had been tackled.

Before I could release a sigh of relief, Myra, the redhead who swore a lot, was pressing my neck tightly. 

"You," She started, her eyes glazing with fury, "How dare you show up here! It's because of you all of this shit even happened. You wouldn't have shown up here, Kim wouldn't have been fucking injured, all this damn havoc wouldn't have been made! Trying to be too brave and caring eh, you're a stupid bitch who needs to come out of your fantasy-dream like world. Everything isn't so fucking simple!" 

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